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A Maze You'll Enjoy
Complicated Minds Are The Most Entertaining

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting Tired Or Quitting?: Am I Becoming Lazy?

I recently read A Blog Post and one thing that stood out to me was:
"Let’s get back to my revelation. I was telling my friend about this girl I ‘really liked’ but I didn’t think it was going to work out because I was tired of chasing her. My friend asked me to explain what I did before giving up. I told her that I called once or twice and sent one or two text messages. There was a brief silence – and I’ll spare you the profanity laced details – but basically, she cursed me out and in so many words called me a lazy bastard. I couldn’t get upset because she was right."
This sounds EXACTLY like me lol. I will openly admit that I have become lazy and the actions on my part have definitely been liquidated lol. These are the responses I get when I explain it to people also. But honestly, its not only me that have stopped trying to get with women as hard as we use to. It's all guys. We try less...why?? Because females allow it. Men will not do a thing that women verbally disagree with and have the actions to back it up as a whole. Why? Because we want you guys lol. If all women hated drug dealers and showed it with their actions, no guys would be drug dealers. But the truth is in the pudding.

In high school...when a female gave me her number...I would call her days later. Plain and simple. No texting first. No online messages somewhere. I would wait for a good time in the evening, and call her up. Only person I really ever text was my girlfriend at the time. Everyone else got a phone call. It was the ages of text messages costing money and phone minutes being a valuable, but limited resource. After years upon years of being in relationships, I was informed many times over that I was now suppose to text a girl that gave me her number. She'll prob ask for my Facebook or Skype, then if she has those, she might request my Twitter name. All while texting or speaking on an instant messenger of course.

She is more open to calling me first and often. She is more open to making the first move in public. She'll even tell me how much she likes me first and be the aggressor. So while I like when females are more open and willing to put their hand in the fire and try to see what happens....its also making men lazier. Why put in tons upon tons of work when I know the girls down the blog just need me to smile at them and give a wave? Stuck in the world where men do everything and put in 90% of the work?? Too Damn Bad! That just means you're going to be waiting a whole lot longer than anyone else and who knows if you will even find someone. I tell females all the time, don't sit around at home waiting for Mr. Right. Sometimes you have to make that first move.

Is this my laziness talking? Maybe. Am I right? Probably. Have I gotten lazier as time goes on?? Hells Yes lol. I'm a wanted commodity. I'm good looking, charming, funny, well educated, and a lot of other things. So I worry not about finding females. So yeah.....I'm lazier.....but don't judge me lol.

So as I sit around and keep a nice roster.....don't blame me if you're lonely. Your actions speak volumes.

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