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A Maze You'll Enjoy
Complicated Minds Are The Most Entertaining

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Did You Just Trip?: Funny How Things Work Out

So I was watching Youtube videos and googling. What about? Well nothing other than algorithms lol. But thinking about going through hell with some of my past interviews, I thought of where I am and how I wouldn't be here without certain things happening. So what are they?
  1. Meeting my last girlfriend and breaking up with her right on time.
  2. Teaching at my last college and it helping me stand out.
So lets go into the first shall we. My last relationship was actually a long distance one. She lived in Atlanta, GA while I lived in Albany, NY at the time. We started dating the Very month the girlfriend before her and I had ended things for good. Nevertheless, after a while of dating I decided that if things continued to be great, I would move to Atlanta in order to be with her. Why such a crazy decision you might ask? Well my logic was:
Whether I stay in NY or move to Atlanta, I am starting my career. And wherever I start working, I will only work there for a couple years anyways before moving on. So it doesn't matter where I live.
So two scenarios could happen. If I didn't find a job...finish my degree...work my internship and save up over the summer...then move there when done and continue job hunting. If I found a job....finish my degree then move there. So for 8 months I searched and found many jobs, with many interviews, BUT No Offers!! Finished my degree...and while working my internship and being broke still (because of trips to be with her and bills)...I decided to move there after I find a job (which is smarter, but I was blinded by wanting to be with her already). So while continuing my job search for Atlanta and taking a trip down there to see her and do an interview, I found out she had been talking to other guys for over a month. So I broke up with her and restricted my job search for NY. In doing so, I came up with many offers, including one from the company I work for now. Right On Time!!! They just opened an office and looking to fill it up.

Next would be my teaching experience. After passing a class and teaching it the very next semester, I received an email about teachers wanted to teach COBOL (Google it). I accepted even though it was a class that I never took and didn't know the material. How do I do such a thing? Get a book and learn it fast enough to leap frog the class and teach it. My college had a job fair. In that job fair was a company in my field that liked that I knew COBOL. Then ended up calling me in for an interview and hiring me as their intern. I then interned there for two years in which I learned the things that attracted my current company to me.

Who would have known finding out your girlfriend was messing around on you and that putting yourself into a situation you shouldn't have been in would have had such a great outcome

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