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Complicated Minds Are The Most Entertaining

Monday, March 28, 2011

What's Your Goal Here: The Delusions Some People Have

So the other day the trending topic on twitter was.... "100FactsAboutMe". It stayed up there for days also lol. Rare to see that. But anyways......one of my followers posted that she didn't know where she was headed in life and didn't have a plan.....but knew it would mean a lot of money. So where do I start??

Well....my first reaction was...0_0 "What the hell" lol. Next came...."Is that a joke" 0_o. Then....this is a confused little girl lol.

Why all that from one tweet? Because to me she is delusional like many others. Lets call these people....Lodalps (Lets Only Dream About Life People, the pronunciation varies lol). These are the people that expect great things in life, but dont work for it. I cant even count the amount of times a pot head has told me their plan to end up rich. And as funny as it may be coming from them, at least they had an idea of what they were going to do to better themselves. An idea is better than a dream. Yes, a dream can be where the idea comes from, but if it stays only a dream....then what's the point?? So many people think they will be great, famous, rich, or have this huge affect on the world. But when you sit down and think about it....there is a rule...and exceptions...like anything else.

What's the rule? Most people in the world will only end up being low income or lower middle class. Bad things? No. You might be happy and doing what you love. But.....this is the majority. The rule also states most will die as people that were not world famous. And like most.....no big affect on the world population (outside of the butterfly affect lol). Will I be one of the people in this rule? Who knows. I'm working not to be though. But that leads us to the exceptions. These are the people everyone claims to say that they can do it also....

They look at Mark Zuckerberg and think they all can be him. When they don't know that he was already writing programs from high school and worked hard enough to go to Harvard. What happened then? He worked his but off to get where he is. Some people talk about being like Bill Gate....he also went to Harvard and was working on his craft from high school. People act as if the once richest man in the world and the youngest billionaire just fell down and landed on money. These people are the exceptions to the rules or being rich and there are stars that agents fall upon and cast into big movies, and they take off.....but again....exceptions to the rules.

I am all for anyone having a want to be rich....but to say you have that in mind but no plan or idea of how to make money in life.....idiotic. And same goes for the females that make it their goal to marry a celebrity, a rich man, or prince/king. How many are there in the world? How many females are there in the world? So what are the odds he likes who you as a person enough to go on a date much less even meet you and you stand out to him? #Delusional.

You want riches, wealth, fame, life long impact on the world......do something for it to happen. My finances are no where where I want them to be....but that's ok...because I'm working on that.

And Every Time You Give A Name That Doesn't Fit This Rule....You Prove My Point

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