I won't say what kind of position I am to this statement, but its the honest truth that a lot of people graduating college have these things and be in a position to afford it. Graduating college...you're almost guaranteed to be in debt. So this means that you will be paying off school loans while trying to find a job in your field (which is not guaranteed at all) and then some people end up just getting a job to keep money in their pockets while searching. So there you have it...its known...that after graduating college...just having a degree does not mean you will have a college. It's the furthest thing from the truth. And some positions, they might see you as "overqualified" and going to cost too much to pay when they can get someone in high school.
There there are the people out there that have a car and apartment.....but never paid for it. Those people aren't even allowed to speak on this. That's like having your parents pay in cash your entire college bill...but when you're friends talk about how hard it is paying for college....and you jump in and agree. WTF?!?!?! But we can also talk about the people that have the car and apartment...but don't make enough to afford it..and will go on to be in even more debt than they are and can't get out. Missing bill payments on things. Can't maintain the life or image they're putting out there....the list goes on. A car and an apartment is a financial investment not everyone is ready for. I know I'm not. So I'm waiting.
When I restated this (giving him his credit) someone told me they wouldn't date a guy that didn't have those things. That they were tired of dating guys that only had potential and wanted someone already established (she had her reasons). And as much as I respect her opinion and reason for it....I have to say......Hells No lol. Most of my life I was poor, no car, no apartment, but I was working towards something. So being where I am today, I look at the females I've dated beforehand and thank them. Thank them for seeing the potential in me. For seeing that I was smart and that my material things would come in the future and were not an issue now. I thank them for seeing past what so many females are asking for right now. The same man said something today that is going to be something like a motto to me. He stated:
"If you're not willing to ride on the bus with me now, I don't want you when I have my Maserati."And I am feeling him on this so hard body. I been thinking about going on dates using the cab service I normally use in Michigan, but honestly...screw that....what's so bad about the bus. You like me? You respect me? You think we have something going? Then lets be on that bus together. Hand and hand. Keep it real. I don't want some female that's too good to be seen on a bus with her man. I need a down to earth woman. Furthermore...when females tell me they can't talk to me because of my lack of a car or ask me "You're joking right"...then I thank God actually. I thank him for pointing out what kind of female she was and that I shouldn't be talking to her.
Sometimes its not where they are in life...but where they're going. A guy can have all the money in the world right now....but not have a long term plan and end up poor. What will you do then?? Look at drug dealers and the females attracted to them...you think his money will last?? Make smart decisions people.