A Maze You'll Enjoy

A Maze You'll Enjoy
Complicated Minds Are The Most Entertaining

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Your Start Was Your High Point: The Realization

So...this morning I saw the status of a friend of mine (Stanley Fritz),
"Att women of facebook, the average black male between the ages of 21-26 does not make enough money to own a car and an apartment, money does not grow on tree's, its just not realistic. that would be like me asking for a woman that wasn't crazy."
I won't say what kind of position I am to this statement, but its the honest truth that a lot of people graduating college have these things and be in a position to afford it. Graduating college...you're almost guaranteed to be in debt. So this means that you will be paying off school loans while trying to find a job in your field (which is not guaranteed at all) and then some people end up just getting a job to keep money in their pockets while searching. So there you have it...its known...that after graduating college...just having a degree does not mean you will have a college. It's the furthest thing from the truth. And some positions, they might see you as "overqualified" and going to cost too much to pay when they can get someone in high school.

There there are the people out there that have a car and apartment.....but never paid for it. Those people aren't even allowed to speak on this. That's like having your parents pay in cash your entire college bill...but when you're friends talk about how hard it is paying for college....and you jump in and agree. WTF?!?!?! But we can also talk about the people that have the car and apartment...but don't make enough to afford it..and will go on to be in even more debt than they are and can't get out. Missing bill payments on things. Can't maintain the life or image they're putting out there....the list goes on. A car and an apartment is a financial investment not everyone is ready for. I know I'm not. So I'm waiting.

When I restated this (giving him his credit) someone told me they wouldn't date a guy that didn't have those things. That they were tired of dating guys that only had potential and wanted someone already established (she had her reasons). And as much as I respect her opinion and reason for it....I have to say......Hells No lol. Most of my life I was poor, no car, no apartment, but I was working towards something. So being where I am today, I look at the females I've dated beforehand and thank them. Thank them for seeing the potential in me. For seeing that I was smart and that my material things would come in the future and were not an issue now. I thank them for seeing past what so many females are asking for right now. The same man said something today that is going to be something like a motto to me. He stated:
"If you're not willing to ride on the bus with me now, I don't want you when I have my Maserati."
 And I am feeling him on this so hard body. I been thinking about going on dates using the cab service I normally use in Michigan, but honestly...screw that....what's so bad about the bus. You like me? You respect me? You think we have something going? Then lets be on that bus together. Hand and hand. Keep it real. I don't want some female that's too good to be seen on a bus with her man. I need a down to earth woman. Furthermore...when females tell me they can't talk to me because of my lack of a car or ask me "You're joking right"...then I thank God actually. I thank him for pointing out what kind of female she was and that I shouldn't be talking to her.

Sometimes its not where they are in life...but where they're going. A guy can have all the money in the world right now....but not have a long term plan and end up poor. What will you do then?? Look at drug dealers and the females attracted to them...you think his money will last?? Make smart decisions people.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Maybe This Maze Isn't For You: The Pre-Nup

This has been a talk I have had a couple times lately with females and it seems as majority of females are against signing it and wont or against it, but still will sign it to get it out of the way. My thing......Sign That Pre-Nup lol. I won't get married without one. You can say I value money over the relationship, you can say I am thinking about the marriage breaking up before it even starts...I care not. What do I care about?? The fact that there are so many females out there that are hungry to get some money....the fact that there are times a female can become bitter and want to screw someone over. And I know what you're thinking.....why not just find a better wife??? Well its not that easy. You can't always tell a female is after money...and you can't know when a female is going to feel bitter and want revenge. That stuff is unpredictable. That is why there is a pre-nup.

Its like insurance for people that want to protect their assets. Just like health insurance is to protect people from paying tons of money in the situation that something did happen.....and death insurance is made to cover the loss of a person with money going to whomever....or even dental plans are for assuring that if something happened with my teeth or a situation popped up...I wouldn't have to worry about a thing. So what is wrong with me saying to you:
"Baby, in the slim situation in which we break up....we should make an agreement from now that we won't become vengeful and want to hurt the other by taking away the things that are theirs"?
 Now you're thinking....well in a marriage everything is shared and an "Us" thing. Lies lol. We all have our own personal things and space. If I have golf clubs, can you use them? Yes. By all means. But its a known fact that those golf clubs are mine and I am allowing you to use them. I don't expect to walk into the bathroom to use your makeup without asking....why? Because its YOUR makeup lol. It is your belonging. Your property. So yes, marriage is about US....but that doesn't mean we don't have personal things.

Like if I am the bread winner and you are a stay at home mother.....Oh Hells Yes being a stay at home mother is a full time job in itself, BUT that does not mean that the money I was bringing in should be split in half after we break up and be given to you. That is crazy. Just as bad as that alimony stuff. I want to find the judges that came up with these things and fight them in a back alley. No way.....No how...am I just going to give my belongings to a female that I am no longer with. You look at stars that pay millions to ex wives or have to come out of pocket because of this stuff. Will I have millions? Don't know yet. But I'll be damned if my money goes to her.

Think about this.....we are happily married and living a great life....then just because we break up and leave one another I have to continually pay for you to keep living the life that you was use to during the marriage.....or having to give up 50% of everything... WHY?? We are no longer together. You shouldn't get to have that life anymore.

Look Again And Hope: People That Lie To Themselves

Over the years I have come to know one thing....it's the people lie to themselves. Some on purpose....Some are just in such a deep lie that they don't realize it. But who is this about right now? Not the people that think they are in a position in life where they really in fact are not, this is more about the people that think one way about themselves.........but its a lie.....then they talk about others like themselves. Who should we cover first? How about we go in on the guys......

As guys...we are required to have some level of "Thirst". If you don't know what that is.....think bout......the things we do as men to get the female we want. Now why is it that there are guys coming at other guys about being thirst and wanting a female too much?? That is mind blowing. Even though you didn't do what he did, you have done something else. No matter how good looking or famous the person. You hear about artists all the time now paying females for sex. What do you call that?? Prostitution....aka....guys being guys. Sending a female messages to say hello....its what we do. She don't reply...hit her another day or something. It's only pushing it when he contacts her many times to no reply.

Then what about guys then get on other guys that are "broke". Wait....last time I checked....having a gold chain did not mean you had wealth. So what....because you have more baby money than another man you are allowed to call him broke and laugh at him?? Chances are you were in the same situation and you're money isn't stable. Real men that are blue collar and business men don't go around and get on guys that are not in the same position they are in. We just thank God for the position we are in. Pointless and idiotic. Especially when you both live in the same area. You won't see guys that were broke and reach a level of wealth still live in the projects. So that must mean your money is still pocket money. Get some assets, insurance, and investments, then you can say you are somewhere where you can even speak on the matter.

Females.....I can not count how many times I have seen females call one another hoes or sluts........but do the same exact thing. Now this is mind blowing lol. If you're going to call someone else "ghetto", a "slut", a "bird", or any other name that is to put down others.....at least be in a position where you can talk. And I don't mean just having money. There are money hungry hookers that make more than me in a week....BUT...the character they have is immature and idiotic. So they aren't allowed to talk about others. I have a friend in Texas that's also a stripper and she will tell me she made a thousand in a night. I'll sit there and look like......DAMN lol.....but does it give her the right to attack others? No. What if she was the same kind of person she was making fun of? Then she would be idiotic also. But she doesn't. I have never heard her once get on other females or guys about money or the things they do. Being a hypocrite is worse than being the person you're making fun of. Especially if its about something that you fit exactly. No point getting on others in the same position as you, but then giving yourself the benefit of the doubt on some stupid reason. Childish.

Basically.....before you try to get on anyone and talk about others....KNOW yourself. Analyze yourself and get the opinion of yourself from others. I love negative feedback that's constructive. Why? Because it gives me something to look at about myself. Someone called me cocky the other day....but also knows that I'm a down to earth and humble guy. So what was the conclusion after speaking? I can be cocky at times in the way that I am excessively confident, but for the most part...I'm just confident in who I am and what I can do.

We All Know The Phrase By Now

Some Decisions You Make Are Debatable: The Rude Approach

I have friends and associates from all different walks of life and opinions. And one of these people agreed to "Don't act like you never tried to dance up on a girl at a party and she gave you that ugh face". Has that happened to me before? Yeah...it has for most guys. But the thing is I can walk off and say forget it. But do I blame the guys that will yell at her or talk bad about her?? Not One Bit

Why?? Because she had no need to be rude to others. She could have simple said, "Excuse, I don't want to dance with you" or "No thank you, I am not in the mood". How hard is that? Its not. But she's a rude person that believes actions like that are warranted when a guy tried to dance with her. Yes...her body. But what happened to treating other the way you want to be treated? Bet that same girl would be upset if she walked up to a guy she thought was cute and he gave her that face. Bet she would have a lot to say about it also lol. But then she will go and continue to do it to others. Why? I feel its an ego and self esteem thing. Just like they say bullies pick on people because they have self esteem issues, I say the same for females like that.

Lets think about this now...later that night or another time...her exact words will be "You should have seen all the guys trying to get at me" or "I have all the guys chasing me and I don't want them". Its phrase and words like these that she uses to fill her mind up with the idea that all guys want her and she can do whatever she likes because he is "Bad".....then on the other hand she could be using it to build herself up. Girls that act like this....I actually want for them to go to guys and it happens to them. I personally do not feed egos. I see a female walking around like she thinks she's "It"....and I just ignore her. Not going to add to her ego at all. That's not my job.

I'm approached many times by females I am not attracted to, don't want for some reason, and even gay guys. What do I do? I hold a conversation and let them down easily. No point in being rude to someone just because they were attracted to you. Especially when we all try to do things to look more appealing to the opposite sex. So if I see a female walking down the street...a guy walks up to her to talk to her....she "Plays him" or is rude for no reason at all.....I don't blame him and won't stop him when he tells her about herself. Won't try to calm him down. And won't do anything but laugh. Even my sister and past girlfriends of mine...I will tell them to be nice and say "No thank you" or something that lets them down without being rude. Because guys will hit females if they are disrespectful. Not saying its right, just saying its reality.

So Ladies, next time a guy tries to talk to you or dance at a party....be nice. Or if he gets on you and start yelling, I will not blame him. Whether family, special female, or close friend. I don't approve of rude behavior that is uncalled for.

What's Your Goal Here: The Delusions Some People Have

So the other day the trending topic on twitter was.... "100FactsAboutMe". It stayed up there for days also lol. Rare to see that. But anyways......one of my followers posted that she didn't know where she was headed in life and didn't have a plan.....but knew it would mean a lot of money. So where do I start??

Well....my first reaction was...0_0 "What the hell" lol. Next came...."Is that a joke" 0_o. Then....this is a confused little girl lol.

Why all that from one tweet? Because to me she is delusional like many others. Lets call these people....Lodalps (Lets Only Dream About Life People, the pronunciation varies lol). These are the people that expect great things in life, but dont work for it. I cant even count the amount of times a pot head has told me their plan to end up rich. And as funny as it may be coming from them, at least they had an idea of what they were going to do to better themselves. An idea is better than a dream. Yes, a dream can be where the idea comes from, but if it stays only a dream....then what's the point?? So many people think they will be great, famous, rich, or have this huge affect on the world. But when you sit down and think about it....there is a rule...and exceptions...like anything else.

What's the rule? Most people in the world will only end up being low income or lower middle class. Bad things? No. You might be happy and doing what you love. But.....this is the majority. The rule also states most will die as people that were not world famous. And like most.....no big affect on the world population (outside of the butterfly affect lol). Will I be one of the people in this rule? Who knows. I'm working not to be though. But that leads us to the exceptions. These are the people everyone claims to say that they can do it also....

They look at Mark Zuckerberg and think they all can be him. When they don't know that he was already writing programs from high school and worked hard enough to go to Harvard. What happened then? He worked his but off to get where he is. Some people talk about being like Bill Gate....he also went to Harvard and was working on his craft from high school. People act as if the once richest man in the world and the youngest billionaire just fell down and landed on money. These people are the exceptions to the rules or being rich and there are stars that agents fall upon and cast into big movies, and they take off.....but again....exceptions to the rules.

I am all for anyone having a want to be rich....but to say you have that in mind but no plan or idea of how to make money in life.....idiotic. And same goes for the females that make it their goal to marry a celebrity, a rich man, or prince/king. How many are there in the world? How many females are there in the world? So what are the odds he likes who you as a person enough to go on a date much less even meet you and you stand out to him? #Delusional.

You want riches, wealth, fame, life long impact on the world......do something for it to happen. My finances are no where where I want them to be....but that's ok...because I'm working on that.

And Every Time You Give A Name That Doesn't Fit This Rule....You Prove My Point

Monday, March 21, 2011

How Important Is Your Next Decision: What Means The Most To Me

Recently I had a debate with some of my followers on twitter on the matter of Respect. Oddly enough, most did not view the concept of Respect the way I did. For some reason people see Respect as being a common courtesy. But to me, if you give out Respect to everyone, then that dilutes (water down lol) the value of your Respect. Think about it...if I send a good morning text to everyone in my phone book every morning, then people will expect it and its just something that I do. Not something they care about much, just something I do. Then what is the outcome...? The value of my good morning text loses value and richness. It is no longer something special. Its the same with Respect. If I have Respect for every single person I see and meet, then that means that having my Respect isn't a special thing. Why? Because everyone else has it.

Now do I think you should disrespect others? No. Not at all. People should be treated the way that you want to be treated and given common courtesies...BUT.....Respect is not one of them. For me to Respect you, you must earn it in some way. Whether by the way you think, the things you're doing with your life, or even just how you go about things. Actions and Train of Thought are more important things than people let on sometimes. So I hold my Respect very highly. And refuse to just give it to anyone. Other things I'm big on....Loyalty and Trust. Maybe its because I was raised on mob movies as a little kid instead of cartoon movies and family movies. Single digit age range and learning certain values of life from Carlito telling his cousin in Carlito's Way that "A favor will kill you faster than a bullet" or the intensity behind Sonnie telling the bikers in A Bronx Tale "Now yous can't leave". Those are the things that made me who I am today in many ways.

My Loyalty...is golden. Once you have me on your team, I'm there until the end. Whatever you're in need of, I will try my very best to get it for you. Thinking about it, I'm like a dog in many ways. You feed a dog and he will always stay at your side. No matter what happens to that dog....if you're the person feeding him...he will be open to losing his life for you. And that is me. What do you feed me? Your Loyalty. What do I picture when I say Loyalty? A king and his knights. Who's the king? Well this role is interchangeable. When I am thinking about who I have Loyalty for...I'm the knight...and in reverse for those with Loyalty for me. I don't think there will ever be a way to explain what Loyalty means to me. But one thing is for sure, those that call me their brother or close friend....they know how Loyal I am. And know what I would go through to be at their side.

Trust, this is something deep for me. I never saw myself being able to trust people. Mob movie rule number one....never trust people lol. I use to think about my mother trying to kill me at times with the food she made. Crazy? Yeah, I guess. But I have always been a paranoid person. Then more than now. But I trusted nothing around me. Until you've had people running around 40 deep (no exaggeration) looking for you....people following you from class to class to know your schedule.....or even being "Marked" by local gang members...then you don't know why my paranoia was there. But these things happened to me, and the mob movies prepared me, and being paranoid saved my life. So as the situations arose, I knew what to do and made it out with only a hip injury. My Trust, when it comes to females is pretty low also. Its another thing that you have to earn with me. At the very most nowadays, I give a short level of trust to people...and they build/destroy it from there.

I guess its a no brainer why I was called General by every single person that knew me (outside of my teaching experience) from the end of my high school years to the end of my college career. Yes that includes many of my professors lol. And anyone that didn't call me such.....were dis-communicated expeditiously. So if you ever have the honor of being Respected by my, Trusted by me, and having my Loyalty....then there is nothing you can't ask for and nothing you can't achieve. Because I will be there to push and support you.

My favorite General:
 The Honorable General Robert E. Lee
Fought for the wrong side, but did it well
Outlasting several Union generals during the Civil War
And became a known icon for the Civil War

Do You Know How Long You Been Trapped?: I Dont Want To Know

I spoke to a friend of mine yesterday about the epic question while getting to know someone and in that "Talking" phase...."Are you talking/dating anyone else" *insert thunder and horror music*.

I'm currently pursuing a woman at a distance who happens to be older than me...and I refuse to ask her the big question right now. Why you say?

1, Most times older women feel they have needs that have to be fulfilled. And i don't want to hear the news that she is seeing someone or even further.
2, If she answers that she's messing with other guys....that means I will have this vision in my head of guy X....and every man in the world hates guy X. He's the guy we think is having sex with our girl or female we really care for.
3, If she's not seeing anyone, does that mean I shouldn't try to talk to other females? That's a big decision to make at my age and with a distance.
 4, Most importantly, we just started getting to know one another. That's a question you ask when things are getting pretty serious. And its not at that point as yet....but I do like her. She's very much what I would want in a woman at my side.
 So maybe I'm over-thinking, or maybe I'm right on the dot. Either way...I hope to continue getting to know her. And definitely want to see where things go. BUT.....not asking about her other ventures until serious times are upon us lol. Wish me luck. No man wants to ask too early, come on too strong, or even start something he isn't ready for.

How Much Further?: Never Saw This Coming

Recently I've made a decision to put my efforts into attending University of Michigan for my masters. Now this is a big thing for me. I don't think its a big deal with people that went/go to University of Michigan, and definitely not something big for people that already live in Michigan (because MSU and UofM are like the schools you just go to here)......but for me...its EVERYTHING. You have to remember who this is coming from. I'm a person that didn't even hear of University of Michigan until I was already in college. Didn't think about going to a division one school until I already graduated college. Yes, the college I graduated from was Division 1, but it was Division 1AA, which is different. Now I am putting forward my efforts for a school that has a huge amount of history, tradition, and a BIG name. Guys like me don't think about going to a school like Michigan. Guys like me dream about just going to college and graduating. NONE of who I am today is who I was years  ago. Before I was only about graduating and having a good job. NOW....I'm about progressing and being as successful as possible.

But wait...you ask what kind of Guy am I exactly?? Well I'm a guy that grew up in the projects with a small vision. You could tell me "the sky's the limit" and I am going to say it to myself, but end of the day I didn't see that. The people around me were all poor. The successful people were the people NOT in the projects. Not that they lived well, but they didn't live in the projects. So that was my dream....not living in the projects anymore. You have a guy coming from a household where his mother was a nursing aid working two jobs. Sometimes waking up at 5:20am (Exactly!), to go outside and wait for the bus (3 buses to be exact), work with old people all day.....get off at 3pm, then run to a second job where she didn't get off until 11pm, and had to walk home in the dark through the projects and the streets. Then my father.....he was a janitor at a kid's community center. So yeah...I had hard working parents.....but I was still a Product of My Environment. And its not easy telling someone that feels trapped in his community with no money to see the outside world that he can go to a Division 1 school....when he doesn't even know what a Division 1 school is....or a division for that matter. Never heard of Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Never had a job pay more than minimum wage much less a benefits package. Coming from a neighborhood where there were 2 police stations within a block and police mobile stations on my block. Just a place where the people I considered rich were my aunt and uncle, that had a house. But why were they rich to me? Because they had food they could get up and go eat at any time. They weren't ducking on the ground to bullets outside their window. Not having mice run over their feet as they watched tv. And especially since they weren't woken up by roaches crawling them at night. So yeah.....that is what kind of guy I'm talking about.

So that's what I am saying. That a boy that saw his parents work hard for everything they ever had....that pictured his life still being in the hood...BUT outside of the projects..........So when I say I'm going to the University of Michigan....its not just a big deal to him........its a big deal to everyone that knows hims.

In 2005, months before I started college...my friends and I were in an apartment just having a good time and they were drinking. Even though they were tipsy and some drunk, they told me they were proud and that I was the only one capable of making it out the projects and surviving. So on my school book bag with white out I wrote:  "All Eyes On Me". People that didn't know me would talk behind my back (females especially) and laugh at this as if I didn't hear them. They thought it was me being cocky. Honestly....its a feeling then that I never lost....that I'm the one that made it out the projects and I have everyone still there watching me now and hoping I make them proud still. So as I feel like crying through all the things I've seen and hold back tears that need not to come out.....I announce....one more time.....that I'm aiming for University of Michigan!

Its A Place Known By Many....But A Place I Called Home

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No You Can't See Through The Wall: True Blessings

This is a response to people that may get my post before confused:
Understand Where You Stand - My Support.

Some people look at the end and say its luck. Some look at the now and swear things were just handed to me. Others feel jealousy for what they weren't "given". Then there are those that see everything as a challenge. I'm one of the people that sees things as a challenge. I see everything as motivation. Things that will propel me or make me fight harder. Why have I been like this my whole life? Because I came up poor and my family had too much pride.

My mother looked at me when I got the job that I currently have.....and she called it luck. I can't remember the last time I wanted to fight my own mother lol. Nothing I have is luck. Everything I have....I worked hard to get it, with let downs and sacrifices. How did I get this job? Starts from my college days. 1st college, I worked full time while enrolled full time, but a miscommunication between a professor led to a failing grade which she was not able to take off. So the school I had planned on transferring to and dreamed about since middle school (Stony Brook), I was not able to attend. Transferred to Farmingdale State College because of financial problems and worked another job with full time hours while enrolled in school full time. After bad grades and a need to leave Long Island came.....I went to Univ at Albany.....*insert groovy music*

When at Farmingdale, I took 2 programming classes. First one....I got a C. Second one....I dropped. So here I was at UAlbany taking one...and what happens....I get a B+ (I never went to class, so that cut my grade from a A+). I asked the professor to take me on and tell me what I should be doing....he did and even better he allowed me to teach the course the very next semester. When that semester came...an email went out asking for a teaching assistant for a software class I never took and didn't know how to do....so what did I do? I told him to give me a book and trust me lol. I leapfrogged the entire class mid semester in order to teach them for the rest of the semester. Having this skill and language now on my resume, I won an internship with Computer Sciences Corporation (a company bigger than most people will ever know) for the summer. Worked full time while being a full time student that summer also. But passed everything with a 3.33 gpa for the summer semester.

Fall semester....more teaching lol. Took on teaching robots and more languages while taking 6 classes (3 of which were core). Spring semester...took 7 classes (one of which being a thesis and 3 of them being core classes), taught 2 (one of which I had to learn on the spot), studied and tested out of 2 courses so I could graduate on time (calculus 2 and 3), tutoring students and mentoring African American students in my department, being involved in events for my group (MSA ~ Muslim Student Association), while job hunting (being turned down by multiple companies) and maintaining a relationship (which was long distance). In other words.....I woke up...went to my PC every morning and began work....no real going out....and no real socializing, but was able to still see my friends and play video games with them. So you see why I don't like anyone calling my achievements...."Luck".

If you want to go before my college days and talk about me eating just rice and butter for dinner, we could. Lunch being just a slice of bologna with no bread....or we can talk about sandwiches consisting of bread and pancake syrup. My wardrobe being full of hand downs from my brother and extended family. Better yet, how about we discuss the beatings I would get from my parents for answering their math or reading questions wrong. Not being allowed to eat until you figure out how to read something given to you. Or the constant beating myself down (figuratively and literally) for not being a better student and smarter person. Slapping myself at night when alone because I couldn't solve a math problem. Then we can talk about how hard I worked in high school outside of the curriculum. Being on the Chemistry Olympiad team, going to teachers and asking for more work so my skills would grow. People think I'm some insanely smart person. NO!!!! I just have a special way of seeing problems and I work hard enough with what I was given. So I am blessed to be where I am. And blessed to have what I have.

Sidenote: My family and I have never been on ANY form of assistance whatsoever. My family is too proud to accept any gov't assistance. Whatever we didn't have.....we didn't have. End of story.

So Dont You Dare Call My Hard Work And Blessing "Luck"

The Exit Is On Your Left: They Think Its A Fact

Every say..*pause*....10 seconds...another female bashes guy somewhere or somehow. She talks about the easy usual (broke, no car, no job, saying something she didn't like, penis being small or sex being bad) and an onslaught of other things that she feels guys do only....then if you tell her females do it also...she will make a reason for it being ok.

You: "Hey, heard you and Damon broke up last month."
Her: "Yeah, guys are just all cheaters."
You: "What about females? They cheat."
Her: "Females only cheat if you're doing something wrong and she's missing something"


(We're both at the bus stop)
You: "Hello, how you doing."
Her: "Excuse you, I don't date no broke n***a taking the bus."
......but she riding the bus -__-

This is far from every female, but every female has bashed a guy in some way, shape, or form. And I bet some of you will scream "No, not so" or "That's only the females you talk to". But face it.....females bash guys. Whether right now or in the past. No one was born with a great mindset, you work towards that. You either bashed a guy for being broke, jobless, or not fitting the criteria that you want him to fit. I was broke at some point. I was jobless at some point. I have rode the bus for the majority of my life. I don't have the tattoos that females are going crazy over. I don't wear the chains and "ice" the others want to see from me in a club or something. But end of the day....the fact of the matter is that I'm still the person I am. You can clown guys for what they have or done have. You can demean guys for what they have done in the part.....even though it was really just the couple guys you messed with but want to put on all men. "Men aint sh*t"......."All guys are the same".....blah blah blah. Guys are made to take punches, roll with it, and keep moving on. If you females met guys with half the issues you keep around from past relationships....you would get on him. But then some of you will go and say you don't have baggage......chances are....if you're over the age of 13.....and have dated before.....you have some baggage. Read the latest updates about the 11 year old that was raped.....and as they demeaned her character.....they brought up the things she said on her Facebook...:

...The 11-year-old tells whomever she befriends that she's aware people have probably heard about her, but she doesn't care what they think.
"If you dislike me, deal with it," she wrote.
Sometimes she comes across like a little girl, such as when she talks of her special talent for making "weird sound effects" and "running in circles" to overcome nervousness.
But she also makes flamboyant statements about drinking, smoking and sex. Yet her vulnerability pokes through the tough veneer as she tells of "being hurt many times," where she "settled for less" and "let people take advantage" and "walk all over" her. She vows to learn from her mistakes. ~ 'Media Blows It With Pathetic Gang Rape Coverage' By Margaret Hartmann
No matter what her bad actions were....she's 11 with baggage (I'm speaking only before the rape issue). It happens when you're a female, and you're SORTA allowed to keep it. But sometimes its the females with the most baggage that do the most bashing. Other times its the females that just think they are God's gift to the world.......in other words the confused females lol.

But what is this crazy rant all about?? Females.......stop bashing. Stop trying to put down guys. If you're going to do that:
1, Dont be in the same situation he is in. Don't be broke or riding the bus.....and get on him for being broke and riding the bus.
2, If you are going to laugh at a man coming to you and you not "feeling" the way he is doing it.....why not stop him and tell him what you would want?? (Sidenote: A gay guy approached me the other day to "talk" to me, I didn't disrespect him, I didn't do anything crazy.....I held a mature conversation with him and moved on. I'm not gay...but there are ways to handle things)
3, Guys from your past cheated on you.....not saying get over it (even though you should), but don't get on all guys because of the few you dated.

Plus......people that go out of their way to demean, disrespect, or laugh at others to humiliate them.....are pathetic. Sometimes writing it out (even if its in your head) and reading what you are about to say.....will help you in the end.

Understand Where You Stand: My Support System

I advocate everyone to get a supporting cast. Whether they are all on your level or better than you. But get a team. Someone to be in your corner at all times and have internal competitions with. I love my team and my family. They help me so much....mostly in ways they don't even know about.

My Team
Made up of 5 other guys that I met and grew up with from high school. We all kept in contact, most of which has been through Facebook and by phone. I don't remember the official start of my team, but very happy at how things turned out for us. Titus, is a Project Manager at CBS and handles all new shows and pilots. Brennan has his degree in Criminal Justice from RIT and shipping off to the Air Force in the next two months. Branden is a father of two and working as an Electrician in Manhattan/Queens. Ilbert, the latest addition, has his degree and going for another in Graphic Design at FIT, a brother of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., doing freelance graphics for companies and currently interning with a company in Manhattan. Michael, he's finishing up his degree in Accounting/Economics at Univ of Buffalo and working at HSBC handling the bills and claims processed by his sector. And me.....I'm just me lol. No worries about that. But I love those guys. They give me the much needed competition and reminders I need that success is not given, but earned.

My Family
My sister is cut throat. She will be the first to tell you about yourself. She will bite her tongue for no one. Man....Woman....Groups of people....officials....my sister will not back down from you....even though she's just 5'5 or something lol. But I love that about her. She has multiple degrees in the field of biology and working as a study coordinator for cancer research at a well known hospital in New York City. My brother also has multiple degrees in Sociology and Radiology (which he tried to convince me to get into). He's a hustler and a hard working man. He took me under his wing growing up and was a father to me. Taught me most of the lessons I know today....even the ones I had to burn my hand to have it really set in. But he's a radiologist at another well known hospital in New York City. My eldest sibling....I didn't fully grow up with him since he wasn't always around. But he is one of the smartest people I know.....wait.....correction...he is the smartest person I know lol. He told me many things growing up that I didn't want to listen to because we are in separate generations, but as time went on....I learned how much I should have listened and learned. The great thing is....I have him in my life to help me grow in my career and with my financial decisions in life. He has about four degrees. A degree from college in Jamaica (our home country and where we were all born), two degrees in Industrial Engineering, and his MBA. So of course he went from being an engineer and working for top companies to landing in Oregon. I don't know when...since it was news to me....but he went and converted over to the field of marketing. I respect it completely and wish him the best. I definitely want my finances like his though. I even finally told him of a internal competition I have with him. Basically....I want to start making 6 figures before he did it. My aim....when I'm 30. Wish me luck. 

And don't be confused, everyone in this picture has angered me in some way shape or form, but the main point is that they stuck by me and I stuck by them. My Team and My Family........it shouldn't make you feel any other way than angry. Why anger? Either because you don't have a support system like mine and you feel you need to beat me out.....OR....you feel yours is better and feel you need to put me even further behind you in the race to success and just shut me up. You choose. But I'm just here to inspire.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do You Really Want To Make That Turn: The Single Mothers Story

No....no....no....this is not going to be about how much anger I have for single mothers. I actually have a lot of admiration for the single mothers THAT ARE DOING A GOOD JOB. Its a tough job being a parent much less a single one. I know there is a lot of self conflict that can come up with a child for not having a mother or father in their life, but for the people that are out there doing it, doing it right, and then on top of that not leaving the child with any internal scars.....thank you. I love seeing people battle against statistics and "Rules" to be a standout. Great job to you guys.

What this is about though is my thoughts on dating a single mother. The Good.....The Bad.....and The Ugly. That's what I think of it. I mean come on now, I am 23 and would like to meet a good young woman, but so many of the females I am seeing have kids already. Nothing wrong with making the decision to have a child. Children are blessings. Thank you for giving life and doing what God wanted you to do (BUT ONLY THE GOOD MOTHERS). But there is a lot that comes with that child and I have met a lot of single mothers that are holding up the true title of Woman...while handling their business as a mother.....BUT are single at the end of the day. Maybe its because some guys feel the way I do. How do I feel? Well let me share....

The Good
From the females that I have met, they are ready to settle down and have a full family together. Why do they make this decision? I guess because they still want that FULL family feel. Which I can't blame. We all want that at the end of the day. You hear females scream that they can be a single parent and be set for life.....that's her really screaming....I'm angry I dont have the father her....but she wants a good man in the picture. So if a guy is ready to start a family (this one is instant family), be a part of one....or even find a woman that has the traits he would want the mother of his kids to have (which she should have by now as a mother already) then its great for him.

The Bad
A lot of things can just not be right. The kids might not like the guy. The friends might feel a strong connection with the situation the woman is in and might not approve of the guy period. The man might not want to take on such responsibilities as yet in his life. He could want to start his own family instead of jumping into one already up and running. The concepts and situations with this situation can be bad in many ways.

The Ugly: My opinion on the matter when it comes to me in that situation
Unless there are certain things covered....I refuse to be in that situation. One of the more important....how much is the father of the kids in the life. Lets be real about this....having a child together is a life long connection. No matter what happens with the child or the relationship between the two partners. And a lot of the time.....when a person has a child with someone else....they feel as if that person still kinda belongs to them. So the chance of them having sex even if they are not in a relationship is higher than if he was just some guy the female dated. If there is no sex, there is still the chance of drama. I stay away from drama. I'm too young to stress about anyone or anything. I like just living my life. Another issue for me...we are starting a relationship and getting to know one another....and a child just adds to the complication. The "Getting to know you period" is sensitive enough without any other factors. I rather not deal with that. And the last of the top issues I have with it....I don't want to have to deal with a child right now. Some females don't want you being a father figure anyways, but I would still have to be around the child some time. I love children, but not trying to have to deal with that in my life right now. Rather keep things simple and easy and see where it goes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hesitation Can Be The Best Move: Some Clearity

A lot of what I say can be taken the wrong way...and been wanting to clear a couple things up.

1. I know a lot of older women that are great women, are single, and in search of that husband type now. I don't want what I said about older women going after the bad guys, then turning around and wanting the good guy to be confused. There are groups of both categories.

2. A friend of mine who has two kids from an a**hole got mad at me when I posted something...saying she didn't want a good guy to come along (even though she does now want a good guy) and be a father figure to her kids. Yet the thing she kinda missed out was that if a man is going to be in a serious relationship with you and you have kids....he should be interacting with the kids...he should be helping with things...he should be a figure in their lives. Not necessarily a father....but someone. And all of this should be happening before the marriage would come (which is not her belief).

3. I said I'm going to stop respecting all females because its not worth it and a bunch of other things. Though I wont be catering to and respecting all females that can not be called Ladies or Women....does not mean I will disrespect them either. There is a difference between not having respect for someone and mistreating them in any way. Lord knows if someone did wrong to my sister I would find them and stomp them. But someone not liking her....I have no problem with that.

4. I grew up tough and poor....but I love it. I'm happy I wasn't given things or pampered. I always smile knowing I could look around my apartment and know that every single thing...my hard earned money paid for it. I have nothing against people that had it is...but I think we all should have a little struggle at least to build character.

5. I have made tons of mistakes in my life. Please do not think I am perfect. I am not perfect by a long shot. But all of those things I have learned from and move forward from. I remember stealing so much growing up that no one in my family or my extended family trusted me. Main targets: school and family members really. Even remember having 3 or 4 girlfriends in high school at one time lol. So please....don't think I'm some angel. I'm a changed man....but we all have done some kind of dirt.