Michigan, Oh Michigan....why did you have to trap me?
I could be doing so many things in New York right now. With beautiful women at every turn of a corner and all open to new things.....I'm stuck in Michigan -__-. Are there beautiful women here................I guess lol. I'm joking. There are some good looking girls here. But for some reason I end up in college town. Girls in college are not the group I really want to be going for (except for some fun nights with not much of anything else). Am I bad mouthing college girls? No. But the generic college girl is just about having a good time. Do I blame her? No. Have fun while you're not in the real world as yet. BUT....what do I want...fun with a bit more than just just fun. I realized after speaking with a friend of mine what I want right now.....nothing serious...just Friends with Benefits for most and for the ONE female I TOLD I was pursuing....something more...... but our distance has a lot to do with what our future holds.
Nevertheless....everyone thinks I am bagging numbers like clock work and have tons of girls coming in and out of my crib. Well someone needs to introduce me to this lifestyle people think I'm having lol. And its not like I lie about things. I openly say I'm not seeing many females right now. Do I get numbers? Yeah, now and again. Do I go on dates and have females come over? Yeah, now and again. But nothing like what people think. Then I am questioned repeatedly by people about who my current girlfriend is? Who I am seeing? What's my love life like right now? And on and on and on. Truth is.....I rarely see a female outside that fits what I like. Then chances are we are on a packed bus where we get off at different stops.
People warned me about the dating scene out here in Michigan for people outside of college....and I agree...not complaining....but its does suck lol. So this is me telling everyone....I'm single until further notice. And yes....I do cut off females and delete numbers all the time. I'm not desperate at all. So why not?
A trip into my prized possession in life.....My Mind. I've spent my life constructing an intricate maze of thoughts, ideas, mind frames, and mind sets...yes multiple lol. There are two sides of me...The Man...and The Mind. Separated for years and each having their own values. Choose the path you take into this maze wisely.
A Maze You'll Enjoy

Complicated Minds Are The Most Entertaining
Sunday, February 27, 2011
You Can See It If You Weren't Looking: Death To.....
Trust Gentleman....that's the name I went by on a couple different sites. Why? Because I feel as if I am. Wouldn't make a name from it if I didn't feel that way. Why did I go and leave it behind in the trash? Well there are multiple reasons really. And a lot of it is because of twitter.
On twitter....most of the people I follow are females....and continuously I had to block females that showed themselves to be hoodrats or just tweet things I don't feel like seeing. So what did all these females cause? A mental fatigue. Seeing nonstop tweets coming from females that are just......sad.....but then they complain about guys all the time. Multiple females going down a list of reasons why guys are sorry, broke, not up to their standards....but then showing tweets later that they are nothing more than booty call worthy. Seeing this all the time at first amused me and gave me a good laugh....but it gets annoying over time. I went from wanting happiness for all females to wanting happiness to those that deserve it.
When I was younger is when I learned to stop being nice to everyone. And I guess I didn't FULLY learn this lesson because I was still treating all females the same......in a good way. But I realized that females need to be treated the way they show themselves to be. Treat hoes like hoes and not care about them. Treat real women like women and give them what they deserve. Didn't say I was going to disrespect anyone...but I wont be treating all females the same.
The next reason....I haven't been feeling like a gentleman lately. Yes majority of females see me in this light and feel I am a gentleman....but I guess it all goes back to having Nice Guy Syndrome when I was younger. I left it and became a player for years and did me....but then I grew up and realized I should be thinking about my future....so i guess a part of me went back to the concept of treating all females in a good way....but with my new revelation of treating females the way their actions tell me to treat them....I started doing less nice things to/for people. And so my train of thought left that zone. Now I just go with the thought that I'm a Renaissance Man...which describes me (A person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas).
So am I no longer a gentleman because I don't treat every female great? I think I still am one....but now just a smarter one. Guess end of the day its the death of a sap. Only down side? My follower count on twitter doesn't move as fast, I don't get retweeted as much lol. Things that don't really matter to me anyways. So I guess it was worth it. Less for me to think and worry about.....and still know that one female will have my all.
On twitter....most of the people I follow are females....and continuously I had to block females that showed themselves to be hoodrats or just tweet things I don't feel like seeing. So what did all these females cause? A mental fatigue. Seeing nonstop tweets coming from females that are just......sad.....but then they complain about guys all the time. Multiple females going down a list of reasons why guys are sorry, broke, not up to their standards....but then showing tweets later that they are nothing more than booty call worthy. Seeing this all the time at first amused me and gave me a good laugh....but it gets annoying over time. I went from wanting happiness for all females to wanting happiness to those that deserve it.
When I was younger is when I learned to stop being nice to everyone. And I guess I didn't FULLY learn this lesson because I was still treating all females the same......in a good way. But I realized that females need to be treated the way they show themselves to be. Treat hoes like hoes and not care about them. Treat real women like women and give them what they deserve. Didn't say I was going to disrespect anyone...but I wont be treating all females the same.
The next reason....I haven't been feeling like a gentleman lately. Yes majority of females see me in this light and feel I am a gentleman....but I guess it all goes back to having Nice Guy Syndrome when I was younger. I left it and became a player for years and did me....but then I grew up and realized I should be thinking about my future....so i guess a part of me went back to the concept of treating all females in a good way....but with my new revelation of treating females the way their actions tell me to treat them....I started doing less nice things to/for people. And so my train of thought left that zone. Now I just go with the thought that I'm a Renaissance Man...which describes me (A person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas).
So am I no longer a gentleman because I don't treat every female great? I think I still am one....but now just a smarter one. Guess end of the day its the death of a sap. Only down side? My follower count on twitter doesn't move as fast, I don't get retweeted as much lol. Things that don't really matter to me anyways. So I guess it was worth it. Less for me to think and worry about.....and still know that one female will have my all.
Sometimes Real Men Know When To Run And Start A New
Right Turn...Trap. Left Turn..Worse Trap: Could It Be?
My brother simulated into society pretty well coming from the background we have. But my sister and I....no so much lol. Her and I were definitely the ones more concerned about social issues and bent on straying away from certain things. My sister use to tell me growing up that people called her boujie because of the way she acted. And if you know my sister....you could see it a mile away lol. But as I got older...I see it in myself also. Not too many people ever called me that word, but there were other ways that made me see it. The most important being my own self evaluations.
I wold have conversations and debates with people and the things I would say were either facts or my personal opinions/beliefs. The problem...when discussing Black Society...the number of bad would outweigh the good. Now I can go on for days and make bullets of all the things that were said.......wait...ok....I'll give a few lol. I can only wait on the debates this will muster....but remember....I don't say these are facts, my opinions and what I have seen in my life and in society.
[Warning: The are not covering all people in black society, but general statements about select groups]
Where will the black community be when Waka Flaka is feeding his thoughts and views into our kids. That's right. Subliminal messages. Dont exist? Listen to a love song after a heart break. Listen to rock music at a club. It alters your emotions and can work in the long run. But where will black people be if the road we go down continues? And will I end up being seen as boujie because I refuse to live a life like that?
Eddie Griffin said it well.....there are the black people that are posh and educated.....and then you have Ni**as.
I wold have conversations and debates with people and the things I would say were either facts or my personal opinions/beliefs. The problem...when discussing Black Society...the number of bad would outweigh the good. Now I can go on for days and make bullets of all the things that were said.......wait...ok....I'll give a few lol. I can only wait on the debates this will muster....but remember....I don't say these are facts, my opinions and what I have seen in my life and in society.
[Warning: The are not covering all people in black society, but general statements about select groups]
- The need for black people to want to spend all their money on things that are not important when their funding is limited anyways. Now we all like looking good and being presentable, but if you are making minimum wage or no job at all with bills backed up....what the heck are you doing going out to buy new Jordans? If you call yourself an adult...why is half your check going to clothes and meaningless crap? My last official girl was broke all the time, but when she would get her checks...she would go buy new sneakers...then wonder why she was broke. Then people want to go on and wonder why they don't improve in life.
- We all know that its mostly white people that are on welfare....but what is with black people and getting public assistance period? Just because one race uses one aspect of assistance more means nothing. And yes...some people truly need it. But a lot really don't. Like I said before, when we first came to America, we live in a basement with 5 people...then the projects and still poor....we never took government assistance. What did we do? We did without whatever we didn't have. I'm not saying everyone has to or can...I'm saying the people that have jobs and can afford to live alright if they worked on their finances....should not be on assistance. I hate seeing my taxes go to people that don't truly need it. And people all over act like its something that is ok or normal.....no...its not. It should be an absolute last resort. Then the same people complain about government playing too big a role in their daily lives.
- Next we have the loud people. The people that embarrass me when in public. Don't even know them or hang around them, but they are so loud they make all of our race look bad. And God forbid if they are cursing nonstop for no reason or just setting the black community back 20 years with the topics and things they say. Makes me sick. Especially on the bus or train while they are loud on their phone or to their loud friends.
- Last one that I am stating here...the social norms of the black community. From the N word automatically talking about a guy and the B word automatically talking about a female to the black communities almost automatically meaning its violent. Then include the over sexualized community and you have a recipe for disaster.
Where will the black community be when Waka Flaka is feeding his thoughts and views into our kids. That's right. Subliminal messages. Dont exist? Listen to a love song after a heart break. Listen to rock music at a club. It alters your emotions and can work in the long run. But where will black people be if the road we go down continues? And will I end up being seen as boujie because I refuse to live a life like that?
Eddie Griffin said it well.....there are the black people that are posh and educated.....and then you have Ni**as.
Monday, February 21, 2011
See The Temptation On The RIght?: Juice
I went from being 160 in high school to 220 my freshman year of college.
I went from maxing out on a bench press at 115 or 135 and struggling...to putting up 229.
No juicing. No supplements. Just eating everything in sight, playing sports and working out. I worked in a gym my freshman year of college, so I was able to work, get paid, study for school/do homework, and I was set.
Then...I supplemented on and off. Last time was a year ago. Broke up with the girlfriend of 2.5 yrs and wanted to be bigger and in better shape. Would have gotten rid of stress and gave me a distraction. What happened?? School work. A major that calls for round the clock work and days of horrible eating and stress while something is due in 3 weeks. It broke my pattern and then I stopped going. What was I taking? Energy supplements, whey protein, and testosterone pills.
Now....I'm on and off this P90X workout. I keep slipping because of work and laziness. To work out, you need a pattern. Without that pattern, you fail. My problem is sticking to a pattern. And yes....I am supplementing right now. Same things as before, but now the best stuff on the market. What are the side effects of the testosterone pills? They say your balls shrink, but I never saw a change. They say mood swings and all type of stuff....my friends havent seen a difference. I guess that's why I feel its not fully working lol. Last time I was massive. Putting up weight I never did before. Like squatting 500lbs and doing 675lbs on the leg press. I guess I have get back on track with my juicing.
I went from maxing out on a bench press at 115 or 135 and struggling...to putting up 229.
No juicing. No supplements. Just eating everything in sight, playing sports and working out. I worked in a gym my freshman year of college, so I was able to work, get paid, study for school/do homework, and I was set.
Then...I supplemented on and off. Last time was a year ago. Broke up with the girlfriend of 2.5 yrs and wanted to be bigger and in better shape. Would have gotten rid of stress and gave me a distraction. What happened?? School work. A major that calls for round the clock work and days of horrible eating and stress while something is due in 3 weeks. It broke my pattern and then I stopped going. What was I taking? Energy supplements, whey protein, and testosterone pills.
Now....I'm on and off this P90X workout. I keep slipping because of work and laziness. To work out, you need a pattern. Without that pattern, you fail. My problem is sticking to a pattern. And yes....I am supplementing right now. Same things as before, but now the best stuff on the market. What are the side effects of the testosterone pills? They say your balls shrink, but I never saw a change. They say mood swings and all type of stuff....my friends havent seen a difference. I guess that's why I feel its not fully working lol. Last time I was massive. Putting up weight I never did before. Like squatting 500lbs and doing 675lbs on the leg press. I guess I have get back on track with my juicing.
Stop What You're Doing And Turn Around: Thank You
Thank you to everyone that has been hitting me up and telling me they read my blog and like it. Thanks guys. Sorry for the delay on posting, been slacking on things lately. My mind could be clouded lol. But there is more to come and more topics. I think of things all the time, but don't go in on them for no reason. Idk. In time I guess.
Thank You Though. :-)
Thank You Though. :-)
Did You See The Hint On The Wall: Black Coffee
"Black coffee no sugar no cream, that's the type of girl I need down on my team" ~ Heavy D
I remember writing poetry about this, giving presentations about this, discussions, debates, and just historical enlightening moments. And end of the day....its Twitter that made me realize a lot of things.
I can't count the many times I have seen dark skin females angry because someone told them they were cute for a dark skin girl. And I see their point entirely. I don't see shade of brown when I see a black women. Either I see something that goes with my preferences or I don't. Yet not everyone sees things that way. I can even sense the anger dark skin women feel. Then I see it carry over to people stating their preference. They are tired of dealing with this stereotype of dark skin females being less attractive, they when someone merely states their preference being for light skin females, that same anger comes out. When in reality it shouldn't. I spoke on this with someone the other day and she made a wonderful point. If a man comes to a dark skin woman and says his preference is for dark skin women....she's happy and feels special. That same man goes to her and says his preference is for light skin women, and she may be ready to start world war three in a grocery store. Why? She feels that pain of being put down again...and I don't blame her for it, but at the same time she is confused. That man, like everyone else has a preference (mine being towards dark skin females, but I am open to all ;-)), and she might have a thing for light skin dudes, does that mean I should be angry and upset over it? No. Its her choice. Especially when I love it when I hear females talk about dark skin guys with bald heads. I'm loving it lol. After growing up hating my complexion because of all the jokes and teasing...dark skin brothers are getting love no a days :-).
So ladies...light skin and dark skin....brothers.....light skin and dark skin....ignorant comments are not needed. A person can be beautiful no matter the shade. We all seen ugliness on both ends. Saying your preference is one thing...idiotic comments are another. But when you hear the preferences of another...why get upset? They like what they life. Plus, for me...you guys know I love my black coffee (even though in real life I hate actual black coffee...I need milk and sugar darnit lol).
I remember writing poetry about this, giving presentations about this, discussions, debates, and just historical enlightening moments. And end of the day....its Twitter that made me realize a lot of things.
I can't count the many times I have seen dark skin females angry because someone told them they were cute for a dark skin girl. And I see their point entirely. I don't see shade of brown when I see a black women. Either I see something that goes with my preferences or I don't. Yet not everyone sees things that way. I can even sense the anger dark skin women feel. Then I see it carry over to people stating their preference. They are tired of dealing with this stereotype of dark skin females being less attractive, they when someone merely states their preference being for light skin females, that same anger comes out. When in reality it shouldn't. I spoke on this with someone the other day and she made a wonderful point. If a man comes to a dark skin woman and says his preference is for dark skin women....she's happy and feels special. That same man goes to her and says his preference is for light skin women, and she may be ready to start world war three in a grocery store. Why? She feels that pain of being put down again...and I don't blame her for it, but at the same time she is confused. That man, like everyone else has a preference (mine being towards dark skin females, but I am open to all ;-)), and she might have a thing for light skin dudes, does that mean I should be angry and upset over it? No. Its her choice. Especially when I love it when I hear females talk about dark skin guys with bald heads. I'm loving it lol. After growing up hating my complexion because of all the jokes and teasing...dark skin brothers are getting love no a days :-).
So ladies...light skin and dark skin....brothers.....light skin and dark skin....ignorant comments are not needed. A person can be beautiful no matter the shade. We all seen ugliness on both ends. Saying your preference is one thing...idiotic comments are another. But when you hear the preferences of another...why get upset? They like what they life. Plus, for me...you guys know I love my black coffee (even though in real life I hate actual black coffee...I need milk and sugar darnit lol).
Risk The Darkness or Fly Straight: Judgement Day
"Don't be in a hurry to condemn because he or she doesn't do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn't know what you know today" ~Malcolm X
Ever since I could remember I was leading others. My direct family and my extended family are big on being a leader and not following what others do. But I would be a liar if I said I always followed this route. At times I would do some really idiotic things and then find a reason for it...when usually the real reason was the people I was around. I blamed things on my environment. I blamed things on wrong place and time. In reality...I was just a kid looking for fun. But being an semi-adult (Adult is a big word) now and come to realize that people are not like who I am...but what's the problem you ask? A lot of them do now what I did before and the problem lies with how I look at them sometimes. Purpose? Yes and No. Yes, because he helps me filter the people I want around me. No, because I know where I came from and just want to help others.
What's the point of all this crazy talk? I'm just saying sorry I guess. Sorry to the people that would curse all the time. To the people that call each other nigga like there is no better word to use. The slackers, procrastinators, and excuse makers. Everyone that does things now that I did before. I don't look down on you, but I do look at you and wonder why. Then I stop and remember....that its just easier. Not cursing is harder and less fun than cursing. Not doing work and making an excuse for it being late can lead to more fun on that Friday night. So yeah, sometimes I need a reality check. Guess a part of me is still waiting for it to happen.
Ever since I could remember I was leading others. My direct family and my extended family are big on being a leader and not following what others do. But I would be a liar if I said I always followed this route. At times I would do some really idiotic things and then find a reason for it...when usually the real reason was the people I was around. I blamed things on my environment. I blamed things on wrong place and time. In reality...I was just a kid looking for fun. But being an semi-adult (Adult is a big word) now and come to realize that people are not like who I am...but what's the problem you ask? A lot of them do now what I did before and the problem lies with how I look at them sometimes. Purpose? Yes and No. Yes, because he helps me filter the people I want around me. No, because I know where I came from and just want to help others.
What's the point of all this crazy talk? I'm just saying sorry I guess. Sorry to the people that would curse all the time. To the people that call each other nigga like there is no better word to use. The slackers, procrastinators, and excuse makers. Everyone that does things now that I did before. I don't look down on you, but I do look at you and wonder why. Then I stop and remember....that its just easier. Not cursing is harder and less fun than cursing. Not doing work and making an excuse for it being late can lead to more fun on that Friday night. So yeah, sometimes I need a reality check. Guess a part of me is still waiting for it to happen.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Go Left Or Go Around: "Do You Like Fruit"?
One thing has never ceased to make me stop laughing........females and their choices. What choice in particular is this about? Females that go for Bad Guys.....then later in life come for The Good Guy. Lmao. Its funny just thinking about it. So...where do I begin?
I dont know lol. I really dont know. Why? Because there are so many ways to attack this. Should I talk about it from my point of view and the older women that try to have me for themselves? Should I talk about what I see every day with these lonely older women that complain about not finding younger guys but we all know what she did when she was younger? Or should we go to the young girls that my friends and I laugh at the most. The girls that run around, sleep around, have sex with every bad boy they can find, get pregnant, then all of a sudden want to settle down with a Man lmao.
I think the last one is the funniest of all. Agreed? Ok. Lets go:
So now....there are three base stories of what can happen. Lets start with the lonely old woman.
This is the woman that runs through college and guys when she is younger. The same females that turn down nice guys left and right...brag to their friends and people around them about how many guys approached them to only laugh at each one not to their standards...then give out their number to some only to post foolish conversations online. She's the same female that runs around complaining about being lonely at night because her boyfriend cheated on her and she doesn't want to be with him anymore.....only to go back to him 2 weeks later.The same female that secretly finds it attractive for a guy to have no future or anything good about him. The same female.....then when she gets older.....past college years........after being trashed around and her pussy being used up and loose.....she then wants to settle down and be with a "Real Man" lol. Too funny. She goes from chasing thugs and bad boys to being beaten down emotionally and sometimes physically....then want to "settle" down. And thus begins the tale of the old lonely females that guys done want.
Next is the female that get pregnant by the bad boy. These are the same females that think they ish don't stink...but go on to then only mess with guys she know she shouldnt. Now first, I was on a website tonight where I saw so many females in my age group that had kids and swear they were doing what?? Searching for a good guy. Why?? The bad guy is out of the picture and mommy needs company and someone to raise her kids with lol. "Come on son". You 19 0 with two kids and in the hood?? You think we dont know what was goign on?? We look stupid to you if you think we just gonna pop up in the picture. You was messing with the wrong dude...now you want to "settle" down and have a family with the right guy lol. You buggin. You should have picked us first.
Moral of the story? Nice guys........we do laugh at you when you try and be with us. Its too funny. So the next time you have a choice between what You consider a Good Man and a "bad boy"....make that choice wisely. And for you females that know you're in one of these situations now....
Do you like fruit? Cause you just F***ed your life away. How do you like them apples a**hole. lol
I dont know lol. I really dont know. Why? Because there are so many ways to attack this. Should I talk about it from my point of view and the older women that try to have me for themselves? Should I talk about what I see every day with these lonely older women that complain about not finding younger guys but we all know what she did when she was younger? Or should we go to the young girls that my friends and I laugh at the most. The girls that run around, sleep around, have sex with every bad boy they can find, get pregnant, then all of a sudden want to settle down with a Man lmao.
I think the last one is the funniest of all. Agreed? Ok. Lets go:
So now....there are three base stories of what can happen. Lets start with the lonely old woman.
This is the woman that runs through college and guys when she is younger. The same females that turn down nice guys left and right...brag to their friends and people around them about how many guys approached them to only laugh at each one not to their standards...then give out their number to some only to post foolish conversations online. She's the same female that runs around complaining about being lonely at night because her boyfriend cheated on her and she doesn't want to be with him anymore.....only to go back to him 2 weeks later.The same female that secretly finds it attractive for a guy to have no future or anything good about him. The same female.....then when she gets older.....past college years........after being trashed around and her pussy being used up and loose.....she then wants to settle down and be with a "Real Man" lol. Too funny. She goes from chasing thugs and bad boys to being beaten down emotionally and sometimes physically....then want to "settle" down. And thus begins the tale of the old lonely females that guys done want.
Next is the female that get pregnant by the bad boy. These are the same females that think they ish don't stink...but go on to then only mess with guys she know she shouldnt. Now first, I was on a website tonight where I saw so many females in my age group that had kids and swear they were doing what?? Searching for a good guy. Why?? The bad guy is out of the picture and mommy needs company and someone to raise her kids with lol. "Come on son". You 19 0 with two kids and in the hood?? You think we dont know what was goign on?? We look stupid to you if you think we just gonna pop up in the picture. You was messing with the wrong dude...now you want to "settle" down and have a family with the right guy lol. You buggin. You should have picked us first.
Moral of the story? Nice guys........we do laugh at you when you try and be with us. Its too funny. So the next time you have a choice between what You consider a Good Man and a "bad boy"....make that choice wisely. And for you females that know you're in one of these situations now....
Do you like fruit? Cause you just F***ed your life away. How do you like them apples a**hole. lol
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hint: For Every Left, There Is A Right: 8 Wonders Of The World
There's been something on my mind lately. Especially with the way I been doing things. What is it? The way I cut females off that I don't feel are worth my time or thoughts. Why has this been in my head lately? One of my closest friends said I do it too much. As if I don't give girls chances. But that's the thing...I give chances...but if she messes up more than once....she cut. What are the deciding factors?
As justifiable as any of my reasons are to some or most importantly...me...I realized why I do it. I remember a time....*insert flash bad music*....I lived with one of my girlfriends...we were up late having a conversation in bed about our pasts. I was going down the list of all the females I ever dated and was in the "talking" phase that deserved to get a quick mention...and she was shocked at the number. The long endless list of females that were in and out of my life. And when my female friends know of this list....they too agree with her in the fact that....its tiring. So here I am now...I cut females off easily. Less emotional attachments. Less care. Less work. And waiting for her to show me something worth it for me to even consider putting in real work.
Its my own wall I guess. Comparable to that of the great wall of China. Always would I have a wall up, but nothing as advanced and so difficult to get passed. I have more options in my life now a days and its been giving me the ability to test different waters....but they all end the same way. I can't even count the number of females I have cut off in the past week alone. So we shall see what happens.
The funny part....the things women say when they see how I flirt when I am single. I've heard a woman tell me if I do it so much that I wont have anything to give my future wife....But only the females that have been with me and shared alone time will ever even have A Taste of who I really am and what I can offer. I told one last week what that woman said and she laughed...why....because she knows who I am.
- Does she pick up whenever I call or return my call?
- Does she reply to my text in a timely period?
- Does she share her thoughts and feelings or does she have an iron clad wall up?
- Does she continue to cancel plans with me?
- Does she fit two or more of my deal breakers stated before?
- Does she purpose try to make me work OD hard with giving anything in return?
- Does she not put in her share of the work?
- And the list goes on lol
As justifiable as any of my reasons are to some or most importantly...me...I realized why I do it. I remember a time....*insert flash bad music*....I lived with one of my girlfriends...we were up late having a conversation in bed about our pasts. I was going down the list of all the females I ever dated and was in the "talking" phase that deserved to get a quick mention...and she was shocked at the number. The long endless list of females that were in and out of my life. And when my female friends know of this list....they too agree with her in the fact that....its tiring. So here I am now...I cut females off easily. Less emotional attachments. Less care. Less work. And waiting for her to show me something worth it for me to even consider putting in real work.
Its my own wall I guess. Comparable to that of the great wall of China. Always would I have a wall up, but nothing as advanced and so difficult to get passed. I have more options in my life now a days and its been giving me the ability to test different waters....but they all end the same way. I can't even count the number of females I have cut off in the past week alone. So we shall see what happens.
The funny part....the things women say when they see how I flirt when I am single. I've heard a woman tell me if I do it so much that I wont have anything to give my future wife....But only the females that have been with me and shared alone time will ever even have A Taste of who I really am and what I can offer. I told one last week what that woman said and she laughed...why....because she knows who I am.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Can You Climb?: "Belonging Feels Good....But Having Respect Feels Even Better"
Its 539am...and I just finished watching 'Redemption' with Jamie Foxx. If you don't know what it's about...its about Stanley 'Tookie' Williams being on death row. He is considered to be the founder of the Crips street gang and later convicted for the murder of four people. While on death row he began writing kids books about gangs and taking initiative to stop gang violence with gang truces and speaking to kids. His work became international. One year nominated for the Nobel Peace prize, then the next year winning the Nobel Prize for literature.
Why does this matter to me?? Well I was in a gang. Like I said before...at a young age I was trouble. From trespassing to get to our after school hang out, breaking house windows, jumping other kids, and to pulling out a knife on a kid to stab him, but boy was he fast lol. Lets just say my parents we regulars are my school. Always having to leave work to come get me for some reason. But I had to make sure it was known that I wasn't backing down from anyone. Then after elementary school? Things got worse. I was fighting every other day. In my neighborhood, in the school, after school. What confused me though is that I never started any of these fights. People would just come to me and try to begin pounding....so I did the same. My mother always said to fight back. So why not do it to the best of my abilities.
High school became worse lol. Fully joined a gang and was in different Blood sets. Wont even go into the things I did. But my excuse....."I'm a product of my environment"...."Its not a gang, its a family"...."Its just a part of who I am" lol. All excuses though. I was lying to myself. But do I regret any of it? Yes. But its not what you think. I had many interventions called for me by coworkers and friends. Telling me to stop because of the chances of death and all the kids that looked up to me being that I was an athlete, a coach, and a counselor with kids. None worked though lol. But the thing that struck me the most is when they told my mother and they told me she cried. I kept it from her all along. And I hate making my mother cry. Did I quit then? Nope. Not until my own sets turned on me over some drama. Guess there's a life lesson in there. Would I do it again? Yeah.....but not in a smarter way....just the way I did it. Sometimes you have to burn your hand to learn not to play with fire.
Why does this matter to me?? Well I was in a gang. Like I said before...at a young age I was trouble. From trespassing to get to our after school hang out, breaking house windows, jumping other kids, and to pulling out a knife on a kid to stab him, but boy was he fast lol. Lets just say my parents we regulars are my school. Always having to leave work to come get me for some reason. But I had to make sure it was known that I wasn't backing down from anyone. Then after elementary school? Things got worse. I was fighting every other day. In my neighborhood, in the school, after school. What confused me though is that I never started any of these fights. People would just come to me and try to begin pounding....so I did the same. My mother always said to fight back. So why not do it to the best of my abilities.
High school became worse lol. Fully joined a gang and was in different Blood sets. Wont even go into the things I did. But my excuse....."I'm a product of my environment"...."Its not a gang, its a family"...."Its just a part of who I am" lol. All excuses though. I was lying to myself. But do I regret any of it? Yes. But its not what you think. I had many interventions called for me by coworkers and friends. Telling me to stop because of the chances of death and all the kids that looked up to me being that I was an athlete, a coach, and a counselor with kids. None worked though lol. But the thing that struck me the most is when they told my mother and they told me she cried. I kept it from her all along. And I hate making my mother cry. Did I quit then? Nope. Not until my own sets turned on me over some drama. Guess there's a life lesson in there. Would I do it again? Yeah.....but not in a smarter way....just the way I did it. Sometimes you have to burn your hand to learn not to play with fire.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Left Your Mind Guide You: They Were More Than Artists
Big Pun, Notorious B.I.G., Tupac Shakur, Slick Rick.....and an endless list of others. These men were more than gifted and skilled, they were inspirational....well to me at least.
Big Pun:
Insane lyrical genius. Created words out of no where that flowed and had meaning to it. Creating his own style that no one can say he mimicked. Could spit a hundred bars in 3 minutes. Whether he's spitting fast and killing it in 'John Blaze' or he's spitting slow with Brandy in 'Around The World'. He will murder any track. First Hispanic rapper to go platinum. A Bronx legend that gave hope to a lot of the people in the inner city.
Slick Rick:
This man still lives in the Bronx. And not the rich part...he lives by the Jamaican spots where there is high traffic. I even had the pleasure of meeting him a couple times. He's known by many as the greatest story teller of All Time. Whether he's spitting game to a female frontin on him in 'Mona Lisa' to a story about running around and causing mayhem in 'A Children's Story'. He spit his rhymes slow and to the point, but the flow, delivery, style, and story capabilities set him apart of others.
Notorious B.I.G.:
A line repeated by millions....."Black and ugly as ever...". What rapper did you know coming out and speaking like that? He was unattractive to most and was not afraid to just put it out there. You gotta respect that. He brought the East Coast back. He gave rappers someone to copy off of and try to be like. He made the game what it was for a long time......entertaining. I would vote him second in story telling capabilities only to Slick Rick. But this man was a revolutionary lyricist nonetheless.
Tupac Shakur:
I dont feel like I have to even say anything. This man helped raise me. His poetry brought me back to writing poetry at a young age. He spoke to me in his lyrics. He preached to me to develop my mind. He gave me lessons that even I couldn't go back and declare him as the source. He is a mastermind. A genius. And I don't even have to say anymore about him. We all know who he was.
But do we have men like this now?? No. We have good artists. Guys that can do a lot. Poets while a mic. But no one as gifted as these men were. But that's my opinion.
Big Pun:
Insane lyrical genius. Created words out of no where that flowed and had meaning to it. Creating his own style that no one can say he mimicked. Could spit a hundred bars in 3 minutes. Whether he's spitting fast and killing it in 'John Blaze' or he's spitting slow with Brandy in 'Around The World'. He will murder any track. First Hispanic rapper to go platinum. A Bronx legend that gave hope to a lot of the people in the inner city.
Slick Rick:
This man still lives in the Bronx. And not the rich part...he lives by the Jamaican spots where there is high traffic. I even had the pleasure of meeting him a couple times. He's known by many as the greatest story teller of All Time. Whether he's spitting game to a female frontin on him in 'Mona Lisa' to a story about running around and causing mayhem in 'A Children's Story'. He spit his rhymes slow and to the point, but the flow, delivery, style, and story capabilities set him apart of others.
Notorious B.I.G.:
A line repeated by millions....."Black and ugly as ever...". What rapper did you know coming out and speaking like that? He was unattractive to most and was not afraid to just put it out there. You gotta respect that. He brought the East Coast back. He gave rappers someone to copy off of and try to be like. He made the game what it was for a long time......entertaining. I would vote him second in story telling capabilities only to Slick Rick. But this man was a revolutionary lyricist nonetheless.
Tupac Shakur:
I dont feel like I have to even say anything. This man helped raise me. His poetry brought me back to writing poetry at a young age. He spoke to me in his lyrics. He preached to me to develop my mind. He gave me lessons that even I couldn't go back and declare him as the source. He is a mastermind. A genius. And I don't even have to say anymore about him. We all know who he was.
But do we have men like this now?? No. We have good artists. Guys that can do a lot. Poets while a mic. But no one as gifted as these men were. But that's my opinion.
Lost Yet?: Detroit Detroit Wherefore Art Thou Detroit?
I hear about this place all the time now. Whether its one of the females I'm talking to about something or some part or Twitter or just about an every day topic. Do I care about Detroit? No. The place means nothing to me. I never even been there. But yet I hear it roll off tongues and appear in front of my eyes so many times. Its one of those things you never thought about....then when its in your life....it pops up in your life from other people all the time. Like that new red car you just bought....not everyone drives one.
Will I head there some day? Yes. BUT...I will need a tour guide. Not saying its a horrible place, but the risk of danger is high. So why would I wander in there not knowing a thing? So I could get shot and someone has to tell my mother? Oh heck no. But Detroit....you and I will meet some day. We shall. After all the commercials, the music, and the random statements I have seen involving you.....my curiosity cannot help but want to meet thee. Due time my vague friend.
Will I head there some day? Yes. BUT...I will need a tour guide. Not saying its a horrible place, but the risk of danger is high. So why would I wander in there not knowing a thing? So I could get shot and someone has to tell my mother? Oh heck no. But Detroit....you and I will meet some day. We shall. After all the commercials, the music, and the random statements I have seen involving you.....my curiosity cannot help but want to meet thee. Due time my vague friend.
Hard Left, Straight, Or Right Curl: The Waiting Present
So you're asking yourself....with a title like that...what the heck is he talking about lol. Well its a bit deeper into the maze.
What is this gift? I would say a boy's physical transition and its affect. Maybe you'll understand him a bit better.
How about we start with elementary school...from the dark skin jokes. The famous "African booty scratcher" to the personal jokes about being ugly. Or how about we talk about the short chubby kid that girls never liked. He had a crush on a girl for every grade in elementary school lol. Did he ever get anything from it? Nope. The kiddie parties he got to go to and the invites to hang out with the cool girls....did thatever happen? Nope. A kiss, a tease, a batter of the eyes, a smile, a smirk, we can go down the line....but did any of these occur? Not a single one. Closest thing to a kiss in those days was a girl's lips accidentally touching his ear as she whispered something to him on a moving train....of course he didnt forget though. So what would affect him worse....the laughs and the teasing....or being passed over by everything with long hair? Well to be honest....it was the jokes that made him suicidal at a young age. But it was the bench warming that made him see a world with no future.
We could move on to middle school if you want....where things did change. But "What?" you may be asking....well nothing other than the girls that were sloppy and didn't care about hygiene. They wanted him. But not at all did he succumb to these advances. He still had a pride that he wouldn't let diminish. But more girls were around him now and so he smiled more. Guess it was his cure for so many guys considering him the outcast. Yet their laughs would still scream out while the teacher made comments and a class clown would mention that boy's name. So what really changed? Well the first lips of a girl he was able to feel....On The Train......he had a puppy dog crush for her since and was able to finally speak it. Walked her home after school. Buying her lunch at their hangout spots. Long phone conversations at night creating crazy bills. The result? A number of excuses of why it can't work....the biggest that stuck being the fact that one of her sloppy friends liked him. Guess he couldn't catch a break huh. So what got to him worse here? The guys that would hang out with him on and off but still insult him? The girls that only saw him as a friend? Or could it be the fact that he heard laughs so often that he would expect it and know exactly when it would come each and every day? He can't tell you. He doesn't even know.
Maybe high school was better you say? Well it was. The jokes with his name in it stalled and died down...but all 4 yrs he expected it and amazed EVERY SINGLE TIME it Didn't happen. The guys.....they hung out with him. Grew friendships and bonds. The ladies.....still the friend for Most -__-. Anything changed? Yes. For more and more females liked him. He could be quoted saying "I feel like a kid in a candy store". Girlfriend after girlfriend with a number of girls to mess around with. Hundreds in his eyes, but it was only a few. Most still wanted him as just a friend. Still walking them home and long phone conversations leading no where. But there were a few that took a chance on him and this built his ego. Not in a bad way, but a good way. More confidence. Stood straight when he talked. Walked with a new demeanor. He owes it to one female specifically, but it was them all that needed thanks. But was it the start of a monster?
First college....he went wild that one year he was there. Trying to get all the upperclassmen females. He had a new cockiness to him while also knowing he couldn't stretch too far beyond his realm. Did he get the ladies he aimed for? Not a single one. Did he turn down Many for sex? Yes. He wasn't a whore lol. But this was followed by a summer of many conquests and numbers received. Did he care for these numbers? No.....but his ego very much did. Second college....failures that would plagued him and taunted him. But in the end he knew what it was....it was the words of females that had been honest with him...from years past..."You're not cute, but you're not ugly". So failure at his aims and success at his wants were all too common. So does this story end happily? No. For his biggest challenge in years was at hand.
The ugly Muslim......well what other title did he deserve? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And his girlfriend of 2.5 yrs accepted his transition...so did a few of the other females he cheated on her with. But the vote was in and elections passed.....he was considered ugly by the masses of females. Thick beard. Chubby. Kufi. Style of dress? Shorts and a t-shirt. Swagger? None and didn't care. Nothing mattered but religion, school, and his girl. The guys all loved him and considered him family. So he was set...right? Wrong. Breaking up with his girl and the one to follow....he grew tired of his beard. He removed the kufi because he couldn't find any he liked to wear at work.....he dressed better....he grew a level of confidence that came with success...he cared about his looks and females took notice. Those that once called him ugly retracted their statements...and now.....well now he goes up to any woman he chooses...knowing with the right words...she's his. So if you can tell by the transition that being happy in his self image was the gift that was waiting....then you lied to yourself....that is still a battle. But is he on the winning side? Yes. Excuse him though if you complement his looks...and he feels like a joke is being made or a line is being used to just make him feel better.
What is this gift? I would say a boy's physical transition and its affect. Maybe you'll understand him a bit better.
How about we start with elementary school...from the dark skin jokes. The famous "African booty scratcher" to the personal jokes about being ugly. Or how about we talk about the short chubby kid that girls never liked. He had a crush on a girl for every grade in elementary school lol. Did he ever get anything from it? Nope. The kiddie parties he got to go to and the invites to hang out with the cool girls....did thatever happen? Nope. A kiss, a tease, a batter of the eyes, a smile, a smirk, we can go down the line....but did any of these occur? Not a single one. Closest thing to a kiss in those days was a girl's lips accidentally touching his ear as she whispered something to him on a moving train....of course he didnt forget though. So what would affect him worse....the laughs and the teasing....or being passed over by everything with long hair? Well to be honest....it was the jokes that made him suicidal at a young age. But it was the bench warming that made him see a world with no future.
We could move on to middle school if you want....where things did change. But "What?" you may be asking....well nothing other than the girls that were sloppy and didn't care about hygiene. They wanted him. But not at all did he succumb to these advances. He still had a pride that he wouldn't let diminish. But more girls were around him now and so he smiled more. Guess it was his cure for so many guys considering him the outcast. Yet their laughs would still scream out while the teacher made comments and a class clown would mention that boy's name. So what really changed? Well the first lips of a girl he was able to feel....On The Train......he had a puppy dog crush for her since and was able to finally speak it. Walked her home after school. Buying her lunch at their hangout spots. Long phone conversations at night creating crazy bills. The result? A number of excuses of why it can't work....the biggest that stuck being the fact that one of her sloppy friends liked him. Guess he couldn't catch a break huh. So what got to him worse here? The guys that would hang out with him on and off but still insult him? The girls that only saw him as a friend? Or could it be the fact that he heard laughs so often that he would expect it and know exactly when it would come each and every day? He can't tell you. He doesn't even know.
Maybe high school was better you say? Well it was. The jokes with his name in it stalled and died down...but all 4 yrs he expected it and amazed EVERY SINGLE TIME it Didn't happen. The guys.....they hung out with him. Grew friendships and bonds. The ladies.....still the friend for Most -__-. Anything changed? Yes. For more and more females liked him. He could be quoted saying "I feel like a kid in a candy store". Girlfriend after girlfriend with a number of girls to mess around with. Hundreds in his eyes, but it was only a few. Most still wanted him as just a friend. Still walking them home and long phone conversations leading no where. But there were a few that took a chance on him and this built his ego. Not in a bad way, but a good way. More confidence. Stood straight when he talked. Walked with a new demeanor. He owes it to one female specifically, but it was them all that needed thanks. But was it the start of a monster?
First college....he went wild that one year he was there. Trying to get all the upperclassmen females. He had a new cockiness to him while also knowing he couldn't stretch too far beyond his realm. Did he get the ladies he aimed for? Not a single one. Did he turn down Many for sex? Yes. He wasn't a whore lol. But this was followed by a summer of many conquests and numbers received. Did he care for these numbers? No.....but his ego very much did. Second college....failures that would plagued him and taunted him. But in the end he knew what it was....it was the words of females that had been honest with him...from years past..."You're not cute, but you're not ugly". So failure at his aims and success at his wants were all too common. So does this story end happily? No. For his biggest challenge in years was at hand.
The ugly Muslim......well what other title did he deserve? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And his girlfriend of 2.5 yrs accepted his transition...so did a few of the other females he cheated on her with. But the vote was in and elections passed.....he was considered ugly by the masses of females. Thick beard. Chubby. Kufi. Style of dress? Shorts and a t-shirt. Swagger? None and didn't care. Nothing mattered but religion, school, and his girl. The guys all loved him and considered him family. So he was set...right? Wrong. Breaking up with his girl and the one to follow....he grew tired of his beard. He removed the kufi because he couldn't find any he liked to wear at work.....he dressed better....he grew a level of confidence that came with success...he cared about his looks and females took notice. Those that once called him ugly retracted their statements...and now.....well now he goes up to any woman he chooses...knowing with the right words...she's his. So if you can tell by the transition that being happy in his self image was the gift that was waiting....then you lied to yourself....that is still a battle. But is he on the winning side? Yes. Excuse him though if you complement his looks...and he feels like a joke is being made or a line is being used to just make him feel better.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Turn Around or Go Around Corner: African American Males (School Version)
Based on the 2010 Census, 47 percent of African-American males graduate from high school. (New York City 28 percent, Philadelphia 28 percent, Broward County, Florida 39 percent, Washington D.C. and Chicago 44 percent, Nashville 47 percent).
So you tell me....what's the problem here??
Is it the fact that the Black boys aren't graduating?? Is it the fact that their parents or family structures don't care?? The communities complaining about these boys not being in school and going to crime, but allowing it to happen at the same time....sometimes even encouraging it. Or should we go with just blaming teachers?? "They don't care about the students, make the class fun, and try to reach out to them"....since when was that in the job description?? Its a good thing for them to go the extra yard...but dont blame teachers. Who should we blame? Everyone as a whole.
We failed things young black boys. Myself included. Without a high school education, you can't even be a manager at most fast food chains. So what kind of future are the looking forward to without the proper steps? Hard labor for small pay, a life of crime that leads to so many other issues, and even just plain old nothingness.
My senior year of high school (I went to a mostly boy school, about 90%-95% when I entered)...they brought us to the auditorium and told us to look left, right, front, back, and diagonal.....and that most of the people we saw weren't going to go far. Either drugs, death, or jail. Who the F*** tells someone that?? But end of the day.....they were wrong...but they were right when it comes to those around New York City.
How can we fix it? I can go on and on about how to do that. I can say I will donate to different initiatives....but end of the day....its up to those boys and their support systems. I thought about dropping out of high school. Definitely thought about dropping out of college.....but it was the people behind me that wouldn't let me.
I just dont want to see more black boys in the street instead of in the office
So you tell me....what's the problem here??
Is it the fact that the Black boys aren't graduating?? Is it the fact that their parents or family structures don't care?? The communities complaining about these boys not being in school and going to crime, but allowing it to happen at the same time....sometimes even encouraging it. Or should we go with just blaming teachers?? "They don't care about the students, make the class fun, and try to reach out to them"....since when was that in the job description?? Its a good thing for them to go the extra yard...but dont blame teachers. Who should we blame? Everyone as a whole.
We failed things young black boys. Myself included. Without a high school education, you can't even be a manager at most fast food chains. So what kind of future are the looking forward to without the proper steps? Hard labor for small pay, a life of crime that leads to so many other issues, and even just plain old nothingness.
My senior year of high school (I went to a mostly boy school, about 90%-95% when I entered)...they brought us to the auditorium and told us to look left, right, front, back, and diagonal.....and that most of the people we saw weren't going to go far. Either drugs, death, or jail. Who the F*** tells someone that?? But end of the day.....they were wrong...but they were right when it comes to those around New York City.
How can we fix it? I can go on and on about how to do that. I can say I will donate to different initiatives....but end of the day....its up to those boys and their support systems. I thought about dropping out of high school. Definitely thought about dropping out of college.....but it was the people behind me that wouldn't let me.
I just dont want to see more black boys in the street instead of in the office
Turn Inward or Go Straight: She Makes Me Wonder.....
Why I am even thinking about trying......
One thing I have learned about myself......with me there are three options with a female I am talking to after I give her a chance and start to get to know her:
2. I've come to learn females think I wont cut them off with ease. Its amusing really. It just shows they don't really know me. There is no female in my life (except my Mommy) that I won't cut off. Even family. So what crazy idea made her think she wont be next? I have no idea!
3. Well what are deal breakers that make me not want to be with someone?
One thing I have learned about myself......with me there are three options with a female I am talking to after I give her a chance and start to get to know her:
- She puts in her side of the effort and we continue moving forward and feeling each other.
- She acts up or doesn't do her share of effort....and I cut her off and delete her number.
- Too many deal breakers make me sit and question why I'm talking to her and if she is worth my time...if not...then I slowly delete her from my life while I vanish into the background lol.
2. I've come to learn females think I wont cut them off with ease. Its amusing really. It just shows they don't really know me. There is no female in my life (except my Mommy) that I won't cut off. Even family. So what crazy idea made her think she wont be next? I have no idea!
3. Well what are deal breakers that make me not want to be with someone?
- Smokers - Its disgusting
- Females that curse too much - Completely unattractive
- No drive or ambitions - My family would never accept you
- Unrealistic - I don't want to baby you in life
- Alcoholic - Like smoking...its disgusting. Not trying to deal with that
- Too openly sexual publicly - I want a Woman and a Lady in public. Not a smut.
- Tons more lol. But too much to say here.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Left Turn or Right Turn: The Trojan Horse
So I was just put in #TwitterJail after posting about what I hate seeing on Twitter. But to cancel any of your thoughts....I don't follow these people....they get Retweeted on my timeline. I hate...when people come on twitter and start acting as if they know everything about relationships.....but only talk about what guys do wrong......like females are these heavenly creatures that are without sin. Screw that. I get on both males and females.
I think these guys that are sucking up to these females all day long about how they should be cherish all the time, taken care of, treated like Queens......and Some How magically put up with these guys that just all treat them badly....BUT...don't forget that they are not like other guys. They "Treat Women Right" and "Respect Women".
Now me...I am a gentleman. I know how to treat a woman right, cherish her, give her what she needs and want she wants (if its reasonable)....BUT...that is ONLY if she DESERVES IT....which a lot of females (not saying most) don't...and I don't sit on Twitter all day long and just tweet about how much females have to deal with because guys are such pricks and horrible people. Why the heck would I do that to all guys?? I know for a fact that there are tons of Men out there that are great people. Some of which are good friends of mine. The problem??
In addition...I have seen woman do horrible things to guys. From the new trend of having sex or giving head to a guy while her boyfriend is on the phone to the all too common Maury paternity test where the guy finds out his cousin is the father of what was his child while she swore they never had sex. What's my point?....We all mess up. We all do things that hurt others. We all get our heart broken and have to do something to recover. So blaming guys for every problem females have or getting on guys all day long for what they put females through....its just a way for them to get sex. Yup. I said it. #TeamGentleman on Twitter is mostly guys wanting to just get sex by tweeting about how good they are to females and all this crap.....BUT..in reality....they are just doing it for money (ads, which they do all the time) and sex (from females that melt over every tweet when some of them are made by bots lol). So next time you retweet that crap on my timeline...think about what you are doing....not just on twitter.....but in your own life. Maybe you're one of the females in the bullet points.
Guys Mess Up. Females Mess Up.
I think these guys that are sucking up to these females all day long about how they should be cherish all the time, taken care of, treated like Queens......and Some How magically put up with these guys that just all treat them badly....BUT...don't forget that they are not like other guys. They "Treat Women Right" and "Respect Women".
Now me...I am a gentleman. I know how to treat a woman right, cherish her, give her what she needs and want she wants (if its reasonable)....BUT...that is ONLY if she DESERVES IT....which a lot of females (not saying most) don't...and I don't sit on Twitter all day long and just tweet about how much females have to deal with because guys are such pricks and horrible people. Why the heck would I do that to all guys?? I know for a fact that there are tons of Men out there that are great people. Some of which are good friends of mine. The problem??
- It takes a certain mature mind for a woman to truly want, desire, go looking for, and stick with a Strong Minded Good Man. A lot of females CLAIM they want a good man, but then in reality go to the bad boys and complain about it. Why is that even an issue?? Enough females go around complaining about guys treating them badly...it begins the idea running around and now the "truth" to some delusional females.
- Females that go with good guys and not ready for them....the good guy ends up with the problems. How so?? Well this is easy since I know from experience lol....but when a female is not ready for her Prince Charming...she adds uncalled for stress, drama, and problems to that Man's life. So what do some guys choose to do? Go to the bad guy side. It's way easier and actually more fun in the long run. Why I don't do it? I know right from wrong and can't allow myself to go the other route.
- Females show by action what kind of guy they want. Their words say one thing...their actions say they want the dude that is going to lie to them, treat them badly, and etc. How so?? They go for those guys and when things go wrong...they go back to them...complain....then go back to them. If a female says she wants a man that is going to give her the world...but then mess with Jon Jon from the block that has 2 baby mommas and no job....what do you think other guys are going to do? So more dudes convert over and the ones that stay are not in the light because they are passed over anyways.
In addition...I have seen woman do horrible things to guys. From the new trend of having sex or giving head to a guy while her boyfriend is on the phone to the all too common Maury paternity test where the guy finds out his cousin is the father of what was his child while she swore they never had sex. What's my point?....We all mess up. We all do things that hurt others. We all get our heart broken and have to do something to recover. So blaming guys for every problem females have or getting on guys all day long for what they put females through....its just a way for them to get sex. Yup. I said it. #TeamGentleman on Twitter is mostly guys wanting to just get sex by tweeting about how good they are to females and all this crap.....BUT..in reality....they are just doing it for money (ads, which they do all the time) and sex (from females that melt over every tweet when some of them are made by bots lol). So next time you retweet that crap on my timeline...think about what you are doing....not just on twitter.....but in your own life. Maybe you're one of the females in the bullet points.
Step One: Maze Entrance: An Intro
Who created this maze? Well at 23, that is known, but can't be fully answered. I'm far from where I expected to be in life. For good reasons and some bad. I'm a person I could never have imagined or dreamed of. There are so many things in my life that shows that life.....is unexpected and can not be planned....and that is what I love about the future. You can't plan it....but no matter the present...you can make your own future. So how are things off....:
For starters, I thought I would have been dead, in jail, or just another hoodlum on the block right about now. I was born in Jamaica and lived in a tiny hut on a farm. Came to America and went stupid. Rebelled against my parents at first. Started out a delinquent, moved to chilling on the block and fighting whoever came to the table, then to being a gang banger and doing whatever was needed....even robbing people that didn't deserve it. So why didn't that predicted future actually happen?? I have some great people around me. They helped to mold my mind into what it needed to be for me to branch out into the world. From getting nothing but tough love from my family to sports coaches that took me off the street and then to friends that were headed in the right direction in life.
Religion.....I'M SUNNI MUSLIM lol. I NEVER saw that coming. I was raised in a Strict Christian upbringing. I remember making Muslims jokes with everyone else. I remember telling myself they lived horribly and I could never do it. Read the Autobiography of Malcolm X....then researched Nation of Islam...then traditional Islam...then read the Quran...Now....I'm living the life. Happy I am too. So many things wouldn't be the same in my life if I didn't convert. People look at me and think about my education and my background...but the Man I actually am today...that's because of Islam. It's why when females try and talk to me about being Christian in order to be with them...I laugh. Because the man they love or want to be with....was created from Islam...so its ironic they would want me to change.
Also didn't see myself being single at this point. Engaged to the high school sweetheart (but didn't plan to marry till a couple years after college) and broke things off after I felt as if I couldn't trust her when we became long distance. Next real relationship....people (my mosque, my religious teachers, friends, both our families, and everyone that knew the both of us) expected us to just get married down the line. But why didn't it happen? I wasn't happy and didn't want an unhappy life in the long run. So right now...there are a few young women that have caught my attention...but one special one in particular. She's not close to me at all...and having no car doesn't help lol...but right now...all I want to do is be her friend and introduce her to......Me. And if she sees what she has been searching for, then the rest is a destined future. If not...then we could still be friends. I think she is a wonderful person in more ways than one. Plus...I'm not ready for marriage at all lol. I want to just date and see what happens from there. So there is no rush in my life for anything. Like taking things 1 step at a time.
Location....I never saw Michigan coming at all. Freshman year my plan after college was to travel the world with one of my closest friends....never happened as you can see from me typing this up. Were going to road trip across the U.S. then to South America....then Europe and wherever the wind took us. Then as years went on...I planned on staying in Albany, NY. Had a job, friends, and a life. I wasn't worried about locations because of my skills and talent, and only need a place to start my career. BUT....a young lady* caught my eye and my plans were set to Atl. Long story short...I stayed in NY and weeks after graduating...I got a call from a great company and here I am now. No matter how many jokes I make about Michigan and the people here...I actually like it. Its good for me. But don't plan on staying here for good.
I guess that kinda leads to a couple things........my job (I NEVER saw myself EVER working for this company, its a dream I get to live out), family and friends (I'm away from Everyone I really know for the first time in my life. Sometimes it's cool, and other times it sucks. Especially when I see their events or plans on Facebook), lifestyle (Was always ambitious, but never thought I would live so comfortable at such a young age), and my mind (i have come to realize so much about myself in 2010 and expect in 2011 to learn even more).
So what can I say other than...welcome. Hope you enjoy. What to expect? Well I have a million and one opinions on things. So I guess.....my views and opinions.....helpful hints into the maze.....and a hopefully something that will inspire/entertain/help/motivate/and a number of other words lol.
For starters, I thought I would have been dead, in jail, or just another hoodlum on the block right about now. I was born in Jamaica and lived in a tiny hut on a farm. Came to America and went stupid. Rebelled against my parents at first. Started out a delinquent, moved to chilling on the block and fighting whoever came to the table, then to being a gang banger and doing whatever was needed....even robbing people that didn't deserve it. So why didn't that predicted future actually happen?? I have some great people around me. They helped to mold my mind into what it needed to be for me to branch out into the world. From getting nothing but tough love from my family to sports coaches that took me off the street and then to friends that were headed in the right direction in life.
Religion.....I'M SUNNI MUSLIM lol. I NEVER saw that coming. I was raised in a Strict Christian upbringing. I remember making Muslims jokes with everyone else. I remember telling myself they lived horribly and I could never do it. Read the Autobiography of Malcolm X....then researched Nation of Islam...then traditional Islam...then read the Quran...Now....I'm living the life. Happy I am too. So many things wouldn't be the same in my life if I didn't convert. People look at me and think about my education and my background...but the Man I actually am today...that's because of Islam. It's why when females try and talk to me about being Christian in order to be with them...I laugh. Because the man they love or want to be with....was created from Islam...so its ironic they would want me to change.
Also didn't see myself being single at this point. Engaged to the high school sweetheart (but didn't plan to marry till a couple years after college) and broke things off after I felt as if I couldn't trust her when we became long distance. Next real relationship....people (my mosque, my religious teachers, friends, both our families, and everyone that knew the both of us) expected us to just get married down the line. But why didn't it happen? I wasn't happy and didn't want an unhappy life in the long run. So right now...there are a few young women that have caught my attention...but one special one in particular. She's not close to me at all...and having no car doesn't help lol...but right now...all I want to do is be her friend and introduce her to......Me. And if she sees what she has been searching for, then the rest is a destined future. If not...then we could still be friends. I think she is a wonderful person in more ways than one. Plus...I'm not ready for marriage at all lol. I want to just date and see what happens from there. So there is no rush in my life for anything. Like taking things 1 step at a time.
Location....I never saw Michigan coming at all. Freshman year my plan after college was to travel the world with one of my closest friends....never happened as you can see from me typing this up. Were going to road trip across the U.S. then to South America....then Europe and wherever the wind took us. Then as years went on...I planned on staying in Albany, NY. Had a job, friends, and a life. I wasn't worried about locations because of my skills and talent, and only need a place to start my career. BUT....a young lady* caught my eye and my plans were set to Atl. Long story short...I stayed in NY and weeks after graduating...I got a call from a great company and here I am now. No matter how many jokes I make about Michigan and the people here...I actually like it. Its good for me. But don't plan on staying here for good.
I guess that kinda leads to a couple things........my job (I NEVER saw myself EVER working for this company, its a dream I get to live out), family and friends (I'm away from Everyone I really know for the first time in my life. Sometimes it's cool, and other times it sucks. Especially when I see their events or plans on Facebook), lifestyle (Was always ambitious, but never thought I would live so comfortable at such a young age), and my mind (i have come to realize so much about myself in 2010 and expect in 2011 to learn even more).
So what can I say other than...welcome. Hope you enjoy. What to expect? Well I have a million and one opinions on things. So I guess.....my views and opinions.....helpful hints into the maze.....and a hopefully something that will inspire/entertain/help/motivate/and a number of other words lol.
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