A Maze You'll Enjoy

A Maze You'll Enjoy
Complicated Minds Are The Most Entertaining

Monday, February 21, 2011

Risk The Darkness or Fly Straight: Judgement Day

"Don't be in a hurry to condemn because he or she doesn't do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn't know what you know today" ~Malcolm X

Ever since I could remember I was leading others. My direct family and my extended family are big on being a leader and not following what others do. But I would be a liar if I said I always followed this route. At times I would do some really idiotic things and then find a reason for it...when usually the real reason was the people I was around. I blamed things on my environment. I blamed things on wrong place and time. In reality...I was just a kid looking for fun. But being an semi-adult (Adult is a big word) now and come to realize that people are not like who I am...but what's the problem you ask? A lot of them do now what I did before and the problem lies with how I look at them sometimes. Purpose? Yes and No. Yes, because he helps me filter the people I want around me. No, because I know where I came from and just want to help others.

What's the point of all this crazy talk? I'm just saying sorry I guess. Sorry to the people that would curse all the time. To the people that call each other nigga like there is no better word to use. The slackers, procrastinators, and excuse makers. Everyone that does things now that I did before. I don't look down on you, but I do look at you and wonder why. Then I stop and remember....that its just easier. Not cursing is harder and less fun than cursing. Not doing work and making an excuse for it being late can lead to more fun on that Friday night. So yeah, sometimes I need a reality check. Guess a part of me is still waiting for it to happen.

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