A Maze You'll Enjoy

A Maze You'll Enjoy
Complicated Minds Are The Most Entertaining

Friday, April 1, 2011

Back To Square One?: I'm A Bit Scared

So yesterday....after a dentist appointment I went into a Dodge car dealership. Why?? I plan on buying a Dodge Challenger this coming Summer. This will be my second car. Where is my first you asked? Car accident totaled it. My first and only real car accident actually. I remember driving after it....for a long time I was still scared. Your nerves act up on your and you try to be extra careful. But the problem with being extra careful is that you're also setting yourself up for an accident (which I feel is sometimes the issue with female drivers). Instead of continuing when the light turns yellow and you're at the crosswalk doing 30...you try your best to stop and then what happens? You get rear ended and its your fault instead of continuing through the light. That's not what happened to me after the accident, but it was situations that came up where I made stupid mistakes because I was scared. 

In my car accident, I was making a right turn on red, which is legal where I was. The lanes where clear and after a couple seconds of going and speeding up...I was rear ended by someone speeding. I thought it was a dream, but realized it wasn't since....it was too realistic lol. I ended up on the other side of traffic (which is usually busy during rush hour, but for that time being it was empty, Thank God) and the force pushed me into the parking lot of a business (had to do some navigating of course to miss objects). So my issue for a while was being rear ended. My motorcycle...multiple times I almost died. From guys coming to a full stop on the highway, to a cab driver cutting in front of me while I was going too fast to stop. So what did I do? Well it was a single lane road......because the right hand side was numerous pillars and the left hand was the on coming traffic...I sped up....and split between an on coming car and the cab driver in front of me. Seriously inches for near death. Wait....just remembered I had an accident on that bike lol. Tried to look cool in front of some coworkers and ended up smashing into a wall on my right hide. I flew off that bike so quickly lol. Thank God the bike didn't continue and end up hitting me. Rode off and was pissed at the world lol.

What may you ask is my issue now though?? A part of me don't feel as if I'm supposed to have great things. Why? Because when I have great things....they tend to mess up somehow. Not my most important things....(ie..PS3, xbox, tv, laptops) but stuff where it cost more money. Maybe its because of the way I grew up...not having anything good or great really). But anyways...I feel as if I'm going to crash it or someone will hit me. I hope to God neither happens, but you never know.Wish me luck. Here are some pictures of the car I want (minus a special package I was going to have done separately, but sounds cheaper just to order it included).


  1. So, how did you handle the accident? Car accidents are really scary because of some reckless drivers on the loose. People should be more careful and considerate with others' welfare.

  2. Funny thing is...people wanted me to fake an injury to get money. I didn't go along with it or the lawyer that knew and was ready, or the chiropractor that was in on it also. But we both got out our cars, made sure we were ok, and waited for the police. A "witness" said that I went out when the road was clear...but somehow I was to blame lol. I ended up with 1 point on my license from it.
