A Maze You'll Enjoy

A Maze You'll Enjoy
Complicated Minds Are The Most Entertaining

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why'd It Have To Be So Hard: People Confuse Me

Tonight has been an interesting one to say the least, from my friend hitting me up about a female he's talking to, to a guy on youtube sharing his preferences, to watching the Real World on MTV.

Why am I confused tonight? Well lets start from the beginning....The first thing that happened was the text and phone call I had with a friend of mine that is having trouble with a female he is speaking with. What confused me on this event? Well I won't disclose the conversation, but will talk about one thing that I continued to point out to him. That being...his money issues. He hasn't had a job for a while now and his money is declining. His only income comes from fixing computers for people he knows or referenced to. Not a bad way to make some money, but far from consistent. Yet...he is dating girls, going out with them, and spending money. Why come to me one day saying you might move because of money issues one day, then the next week tell me you bought a girl you're dating a gift to make her feel special. Screw that...there are tons of ways to make a female feel special without coming out of the pocket. He proceeded to tell me he likes buying girls things and spent hundreds on a zune mp3 players years ago for his last girlfriend.....BEFORE they even became official. That stuff is confusing to me smh.

Second event? I saw a video on YouTube ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-n7wt-DmbM&feature=fvsr ). In the video he's giving reasons why he rather a hoodrat chic over a "regular" female. Then one of the video replies was from a female that appears to be a hoodrat and saying she ONLY dates hood dudes. This was funny and confusing at the same time lol. Now I am one for everyone having their own preferences, and once you state them, it gives me the option to comment or not. So will I judge him for saying he RATHER hoodrats? No. Its a preference. He even stated he rather dates that type, but he's open to dating anyone. But what's funny is the female saying she hates other types of guys lol. Someone said something I completely agree with:
"This is the same kind of chick who fu**s with these kind of guys, get's pregnant, then when the father doesn't stick around she blames ALL BLACK MEN instead of looking at the choices in men that she made."
 Too true. But where is the confusion? I'm confused to what the heck someone has to go through to make that decision? I blame it on multiple things...mostly that of not going outside her "hood" (even though after being called a hoodrat many times, she states later in another video that she lives in the suburbs lol). She talks about that point a bit. But I know why the guy rather a hoodrat....they're easier targets.

Last event.......the Real World. Now I am not big on watching tv at all, but wanted to check it out. The most I do is see a show online somehow. What happened? A guy named Adam who is....wow...so many words I can use lmao a wild and crazy drunk, a cheater, controlling, an A hole, and multiple other things. Let me give you background. He has a girlfriend back home who knows she is being cheated on. He has a thing for a roommate, who has a thing for him. The roommate, Nany knows he's a cheater, brings girls home all the time, usually has multiple girlfriends....(but females are attracted to that type sometimes anyways). My issue? He gets drunk and starts breaking everything. One night almost hitting her and punching the wall instead. While he is held down by his friends, she is trying to get through everyone to be with him. What does she say? "It's ok if he hits me, I've been hit before". Then when he gets kicked off the show, she confesses her feelings for him and wants to be with him. Even crying over him leaving. My confusion is obvious...what the F**k is wrong with these hoes females make some dumb choices lol. As her roommates talk about how dumb this situation is to even be a situation (especially how she was saying how disgusting he is so many times), she cheats on her boyfriend (with Adam) and goes on a getaway with him before he has to live for good.

The things people say and do will always mess me up in the head lol

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